Enhanced training initiative for BUMC employees!
Tagged: training
New Training Benefit for Medical Campus Employees
The following announcement is issued on behalf of:
William J. Gasper, Associate Vice President for Business Affairs, Boston University Medical Campus
We are pleased to announce that our training initiative for Boston University Medical Campus employees has been enhanced. Effective July 1, 2003, each Boston University Medical Campus employee will be issued an account to Element K, a leading partner in web based training that enables access to a multitude of training programs. These accounts are centrally funded by the Office of Financial & Business Affairs and are supported and managed by the Office of Information Technology. An ‘Office Productivity and Design Media’ account, available to each employee, provides access to courses over the web anytime from anywhere for computer applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook, HTML, Photoshop and Adobe.
In addition, during the next several months, the Office of Financial & Business Affairs, Office of Information Technology and other administrative groups will be developing course content specifically designed for the Boston University Medical Campus community. On or around July 1, you will receive an email from the Office of Information Technology with your Element K course enrollment key and instructions. This is a major benefit for Medical Campus employees and we encourage you to sign up and start taking courses. For more details, contact the BUMC Service Desk at bumchelp@bu.edu or (617) 638-5914.