Program Awards 2023

The education office sends out senior graduation award surveys annually in March/April and awards are presented at the graduation event in June. The contact for these awards Nicole Nguyen.

Resident Awards

Knight Steele

Elizabeth Degnall, MD
Jaime Rosenthal, MD

KNIGHT STEEL was a revered geriatrician at BU. He was the first professor of Geriatrics and first Chief of Geriatrics at the Evans Memorial Department of Medicine. Dr. Steel spent his entire career as a champion for high quality medical care for older adults, both through clinical care and research. Steel’s contributions to the school were considered so noteworthy that BU established an endowed prize – the R. Knight Steel Award – 25 years ago (1991) in his honor. Each year the geriatrics section selects a resident to receive this award who has demonstrated a “personal commitment to older individuals in need of medical care, and excellence in geriatric clinical medicine.”


Ariel Weismann Teaching Award

Sophie Claudel, MD

A Senior Resident that you feel is most deserving of a teaching award that celebrates excellence in resident clinical teaching, as demonstrated by the qualities of passion, perseverance, and inquisitiveness.




QI Award

Jacqueline You, MD

The Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Award is given in recognition of outstanding achievement in quality improvement and patient safety. This resident has been identified as being a leader and role model for other residents both in leading and mentoring QI projects. This resident has also helped build a culture of patient safety within both BMC and our residency program.



Patient Advocacy Award

Abigail Cohen, MD

This award recognizes a resident/residents who champions the rights and needs of the patients, he or she recognizes that in order to improve the patient’s health they need people that represent the best interest in heart.





Dorreen Danesh, MD

Senior Residents that exemplifies humanism. Humanism is a system of thought that focuses on humans and their values, capacities, and worth. They “lead by such a great example, they have great rapport with all of their patients and treated everyone with so much respect. They are very aware of the learning needs of the students, they teach how to be a provider that patients trust, and colleagues that are valued members of the care team”.



Morale & Citizenship

Karina Verma, MD

A Senior Resident who exemplifies citizenship. The definition of citizenship is through the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; it is his or her behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen, this award is presented to the resident that is an example of citizenship and morale to others.




Fellow Awards

Excellence in Teaching

Trixie Lorraine Cruz, MD – Renal

A teaching fellow that has had the greatest impact on our trainees.





Faculty Awards

Witzburg Teaching Award “Preceptor of the Year”

Amy Fitzpatrick, MD

This faculty is a member of the GIM faculty who has served as an excellent clinical role model and teacher. The following characteristics identified by faculty and resident physicians are being reflected of excellence in teaching:

  • Helps learners form more effective relationships with patients
  • Models humanistic and empathic care
  • Encourages a supportive learning climate
  • Enthusiastic and energetic
  • Offers regular feedback and evaluation
  • Concerned about students’ long term progress
  • Master of subject/competent
  • Able to discuss recent developments in areas of interest
  • Explains topics clearly
  • Well prepared and organized
  • Flexible about direction of lectures and teaching sessions to maximize resident learning
  • Invites residents to share their knowledge and experience
  • Makes regular use of bedside/clinic-side teaching
  • Invites criticism of his/her own ideas
  • Summarizes major points
  • Accessible and approachable to residents during and after clinic


Excellence in Teaching Community Based

Heba Haddad, MD

Awarded to a preceptor in the community setting (includes VA clinic) that exemplifies excellence in teaching.





Excellence in Teaching Hospital Based – Joel Caslowitz Award

Ryan Chippendale, MD

Awarded to preceptors that have had the greatest impact on trainees in the inpatient setting at BMC or the VA. Note that this list comes from indication on teaching evaluations that these preceptors should be considered for an award.




Top Teaching Awards

Given to 10 faculty members that have had the greatest impact on trainees either at BMC or the VA:

Dr. Chris Reardon
Dr. Michael Schwartz
Dr. Nir Ayalon
Dr. Aala Jaberi
Dr. Claudia Hochberg
Dr. Lisa Caruso
Dr. Art Theodore
Dr. Christine Prifti
Dr. Herb Cohen
Dr. Craig Noronha


Special Recognition

David Ibitson, NP

This award is given to a deserving non-faculty member who has gone above and beyond for the residents. The recipient has shown great dedication to the residents and should be recognized for their efforts.


Research Mentor Award

Deepa Gopal, MD
    • This award is given to a faculty member who’s recognized as an excellent research mentor to the residents. This faculty member has taken the time and put great efforts to assist the residents with scholarly activities and research opportunities.




Senior Resident Academic Day (SRAD) Awards

Annual event at the end of May.

Given to the resident with the highest judge scores in each of the following categories:

SRAD Best Talk

James Dotimas, MD





SRAD Research

Tina Zhang, MD

SRAD Oral Presentation

Sophie Claudel, MD

Teaching Excellence for 2nd Years

An Excellence in Teaching award given to a deserving Junior Resident decided by the med students.

Teaching Excellence for 1st Years

An Excellence in Teaching award given to a deserving Intern decided by the med students.