Junior and Senior Rotations

The PGY-2 and PGY-3 years are designed to allow house officers more flexibility than intern year, so that their individual preferences and interests can guide some of their clinical experiences. The two years are considered a 24 month block, with certain rotations integral to each year, while others are scheduled at each house officer’s discretion and program availability. In addition to the traditional elective block rotations, residents have the opportunity to use their elective time to pursue one area in depth, such as a research interest or intensive training in a clinical subspecialty or clinical practice.

Core Rotations

Core rotations during the junior and senior residency include inpatient general medical wards, inpatient subspecialty wards, medical intensive care, cardiac intensive care, emergency medicine, medical consultation, ambulatory care, night float, and 4 weeks of vacation.

Elective Rotations

Elective opportunities include inpatient medical subspecialty consult rotations and outpatient experiences in subspecialty clinics. There are also specialized elective opportunities such as the bedside procedure team, POCUS Elective, and the Cardiology Stress Test elective. Electives are also offered in departments outside of Internal Medicine in many specialties, including Dermatology and Radiology.  Alternatively, some residents choose to use their elective for research projects within one of the Sections of the Department of Medicine in basic science or clinical and translational laboratories.  Projects are supervised by a faculty mentor, with additional guidance from the Residency Program Office.  Additional information about research during residency at BMC can be found in the research section.

Ambulatory Rotations

The ambulatory experience continues during these years as well.  Residents will continue to have a week of continuity clinic and subspecialty clinics every fourth week.  Residents will continue to rotate through the nine core subspecialty clinics (cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, geriatrics, hematology-oncology, nephrology, rheumatology, endocrinology and infectious diseases), working in three of these clinics during their junior year and three during their senior year.

Junior Year Rotations (PGY-2)

Rotation Weeks Site
Inpatient Wards 8-12 BMC & VA
Specialty Wards 4-8 BMC
CCU 4-6 BMC & VA
Elective 4-10** BMC & VA
Night float 2-4 BMC & VA
Continuity clinic Every Fourth Week (for 1 wk)*** BMC, VA, community clinics
Vacation 4

Senior Year Rotations (PGY-3)

Rotation Weeks Site
Inpatient Wards 4-12* BMC & VA
Specialty Wards 4-8* BMC
MICU 0-4* BMC & VA
CCU 0-4* BMC & VA
Emergency Medicine 4 BMC
Medical Consult 2-6 BMC & VA
Elective 6-12** BMC & VA
Night float 2-4 BMC & VA
Continuity clinic Every Fourth Week (for 1 wk)*** BMC, VA, community clinics
Vacation 4

* Residents who have not fulfilled these requirements during their junior year (due to additional research months or scheduling variability) will be expected to complete them in the senior year

** Includes research opportunities

*** Primary Care residents have the option of a second continuity clinic in either the same clinic or in various subspecialty clinics including HIV clinic, TB clinic, Geriatrics Homecare and Refugee clinic