Contact Us

The Administrative Team of the Internal Medicine Residency Program is here to help answer your questions. We will try to answer your questions in an expedited manner. Thank you for your interest in our program!

You can reach us by:

Residency Program Office Phone:
(617) 638-6500


72 East Concord Street
Evans 124
Boston, MA 02118

Follow us on Social Media:

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Gifts can be accepted in the form of checks or credit card. Please make your check payable to Boston Medical Center and specify that your gift designation as the BMC Internal Medicine Residency Program. You may mail or phone in your tax deductible contribution, or make a secure online gift by visiting the BMC Office of Development.

For further information or to make a contribution to the BMC  Internal Medicine Residency Program 

Please contact:

Boston Medical Center
Office of Development
801 Massachusetts Avenue, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02118