2/1/24 Grand Rounds
Group Therapy for the Treatment of PTSD in Primary Care
Kate Zona, PhD Will Schleyer, MD |
There is a significant burden of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the primary care population and thus greater access to effective PTSD treatments within primary care is needed. We will present the results of a systematic literature review of group therapy for primary care patients with PTSD. We will describe common treatment foci and outcomes across studies, including effects on emotional regulation, isolation, and interpersonal functioning. A specific model of group therapy for individuals in early trauma recovery will also be described. We will present the results of a pilot study of this treatment model at a federally qualified health center. The review and pilot study suggest that group therapy for PTSD in primary care may be a promising and scalable approach to meet the high need for trauma treatment. The implications for future research on the feasibility and impact of PTSD group treatment implementation in this setting will be discussed. Learning Objectives: