Tips for using Healthway and Duo on iPhone

Here’s some tips for completing your Healthway daily health attestations faster.


You can complete your health attestation quicker if you do the following described below:

  1. When using Duo two-factor authentication, click “remember every 30 days”
  2. Add the Healthway website to your Home Screen.

Duo: Remember every 30 days

If using Safari on an iPhone, Duo’s “remember me for 30 days” may not work correctly unless you do this one thing.

  1. In the Settings app, scroll down and press Safari.
  2. In the Safari menu, scroll down until you see “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” and make sure it is disabled like below(not green).

After doing this, log back into Healthway normally., click on “Go Now” under Faculty Staff. At the Duo screen, click the tiny checkbox for “Remember me for 30 days”, it should stay on that webpage and you can then complete the Duo two-factor authorization. The next time you log-in to Healthway, it should skip the Duo two-factor authentication step.

Add to Home Screen

Once you get to the main screen of Healthway, click the Share button at the bottom of the screen (square with an arrow pointing up). Scroll through the list that appears and choose Add to Home Screen, and it will show up like an app on your phone which can be moved wherever you like.