Campus Resources
External Resources
Time Management
- Online stopwatch
- Personal assistant
- Top 5 time saving tools
- Google apps
- Note pad
- Peter Bregman’s 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done
- To-do lists
Communications and Collaboration
- Conducting effective meetings
- Zip code lookup
- BU directory
- Gwabbit for Microsoft Outlook
- SurveyMonkey (Department of Medicine account)
Media management
Information Technology
- BU personal computing support center
- BU TechWeb
- Video conferencing
- Internet Explorer Add-ons
- VPN to BU server
- Outlook tips
- E-mail survival
BMC clinical and educational tools
Academic resources
- Gordon CE, Borkan SC. Recapturing Time: A practical approach to time management for physicians. Postgrad Med J. 2014; 90:267-272
- Faculty development seminars on time management
- Nancy Kressin, Ph.D.
- Chris Shanahan, MD, MPH
- Tony Schwartz
Department of Medicine
Boston University
External resources
Search Committee Guides
Department of Medicine
Boston University
Association of American Medical Colleges
- Literature Review: Unconscious Bias in Faculty and Leadership Recruitment
External resources