Lana Habash
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Amy Haber
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Patricia Haddad
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Shirin Haddady
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Madeleine Haff
Clinical Instructor, Gastroenterology
Samar Hafida
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Elliott Hagedorn
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Kevin Haggerty
Instructor, Family Medicine
Darius Haghighat
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Miguel Haime
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Ildiko Halasz
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Medicine
Adam Hall
Assistant Professor, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Kevin Hallock
Instructor, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Meredith Halpin
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Scott Haltzman
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Naomi Hamburg
Joseph A. Vita, MD Professor, Medicine
Catherine Hamel
Instructor, Medical Sciences & Education
Davidson Hamer
Professor, Global Health
Thomas Hamilton
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Surgery
Jillian Hamlin
Assistant Professor, Medical Sciences & Education
Emily Hamlyn
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Paul Hammerness
Clinical Professor, Psychiatry
Marissa Hamrick
Assistant Professor, Family Medicine
Jingyan Han
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Steve Han
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Xue Han
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Amresh Hanchate
Adjunct Associate Professor, Medicine
Michelle Hankins
Assistant Professor, Medicine
John Hanks
Assistant Professor, Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery
June Hanly
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Christopher Hansen
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Isabel Hardy
Instructor, Emergency Medicine
Morgan Harloff
Assistant Professor, Surgery
Karen Harnett
Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Kelly Harper
Instructor, Psychiatry
Jill Harrington
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Kelly M Harrington
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Angelique Harris
Associate Dean, Diversity & Inclusion
David Harris
Chair of Biochemistry, Biochemistry & Cell Biology
Meredith Harris
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Miriam Harris
Assistant Professor, Medicine
David Harrison
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Lauren Hartnett
Instructor, Medical Sciences & Education
Kevan Hartshorn
Emeritus Professor, Medicine
Kim Hartwig
Instructor, Family Medicine
Andrew Hartz
Clinical Instructor, Radiology
Shahzad Hassan
Instructor, Medicine
Finn Hawkins
Associate Professor, Medicine
Chelsea Hawley
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Tarik Haydar
Chair, Anatomy & Neurobiology
James Head
Emeritus Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Ellen Healy
Research Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Christopher Heaphy
Associate Professor, Medicine
Nancy Heard-Costa
Assistant Professor, Neurology
Eric Heckman
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Linda Heffner
Emeritus Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Amy Heiderich
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
J. Stephen Heisel
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Robert Helm
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Annie Helmkamp
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Julie Hempton
Adjunct Instructor, Medical Sciences & Education
Andrew Henderson
Professor, Medicine
Cory Henderson
Assistant Professor, Medicine
David Henderson
Professor, Psychiatry
Joel Henderson
Associate Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Paul Hendessi
Clinical Associate Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Karen Henley
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Elise Henricks
Instructor, Family Medicine
Elizabeth Henry
Adjunct Lecturer, Global Health
Nsa Henshaw
Assistant Professor, Medicine
David Hensley
Instructor, Psychiatry
Julie Herlihy
Clinical Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Phillip Hernandez
Instructor, Psychiatry
Victoria Herrera
Professor, Medicine
Haya Herscovitz
Assistant Professor, Pharmacology, Physiology & Biophysics
Warren Hershman
Professor, Medicine
Lawrence Herz
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Lauren Herzog
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Donald Hess
Associate Professor, Surgery
Patricia Hibberd
Chair and Professor, Global Health
Diana Higgins
Associate Professor, Psychiatry
Sara Higgins
Assistant Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
Paige Hildreth
Instructor, Psychiatry
Jayandra Himali
Adjunct Associate Professor, Neurology
Judith Hinchey
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Neurology
Sherifat Hinchey
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Thomas Hines
Clinical Associate Professor, Family Medicine
Ariel Hirsch
Professor, Radiation Oncology
Erin Hisey
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Rania Hito
Assistant Professor, Radiology
William Ho
Instructor, Medicine
Ariel Hoch
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Claudia Hochberg
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Natasha Hochberg
Associate Professor, Medicine
Stanley Hochberg
Clinical Associate Professor, Family Medicine
David Hoffman
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Jodi Hoffman
Associate Professor, Pediatrics
Matilde Hoffman
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Peter Hoffmeister
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Monica Hogan
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Anna Hohler
Adjunct Professor, Neurology
Michael Holick
Professor, Medicine
Erica Holland
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Anthony Hollenberg
Helen Hollingsworth
Associate Professor, Medicine
James Holsapple
Chair , Neurosurgery
David Holtzman
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Sachiko Homma
Research Assistant Professor, Neurology
Haeyeon Hong
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Anna Honko
Research Associate Professor, Virology, Immunology & Microbiology
Curtis HonShideler
Assistant Professor, Radiology
Kevin Horbowicz
Assistant Professor, Medical Sciences & Education
C. Horsburgh
Professor, Global Health
Claire Horth
Instructor, Family Medicine
Mara Horwitz
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Maura Hossack
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Arash Hossein-Nezhad
Research Assistant Professor, Medicine
Lei Hou
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Chelsea Hough
Instructor, Anesthesiology
Sigmund Hough
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Psychiatry
Jonathan Howland
Emeritus Professor, Emergency Medicine
Richard Hoyt
Associate Professor Emeritus, Anatomy & Neurobiology
Kinan Hreib
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Neurology
Grace Hsieh
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Heather Hsu
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Katherine Hsu
Professor, Pediatrics
Yijia Hu
Instructor, Family Medicine
Ning Hua
Assistant Professor, Radiology
Christopher Huang
Clinical Associate Professor, Gastroenterology
Karen Huang
Instructor, Pediatrics
Kevin Huang
Clinical Instructor, Medicine
Tannie Huang
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
James Hudspeth
Clinical Associate Professor, Medicine
Douglas Hughes
Emeritus Professor, Psychiatry
Adam Hume
Research Assistant Professor, Virology, Immunology & Microbiology
Emily Hurstak
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Katharine Hutchinson
Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology
Aline Hutner
Instructor, Pediatrics
Elizabeth Hutton
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Terry Huynh
Instructor, Medicine
Jemmy Hwang
Instructor, Surgery
Paul Hwang
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
Justeen Hyde
Assistant Professor, Medicine
Elaine Hylek
Professor, Medicine
Linda Hyman
Burroughs Wellcome Director of Education