Renew Your Books

Books in the Alumni Medical Library’s Collection:

Books in the regular collection are circulated for 28 days for undergraduate students and BMC affiliates, 133 days for graduate students and staff members, and 365 days for faculty members. Each book may be renewed as many times as desired unless another patron has placed a “hold” on the item.

Book renewals must be requested within one week of the book’s due date. Boston University’s online library catalog system does not allow for books to be renewed prior to one week before their due date.

Materials can be returned to any of the Boston University libraries. Patrons are responsible for theft, loss, or damage to items checked out to them.

To renew a book that is currently checked out to you, sign into your account (upper left corner) in the BU Libraries Search system and look under “My Loans” to request the renewal.

Contact the Medical Library Circulation Desk at (617) 358-4902 if you have questions or comments about book renewals.

Books That Have Been Borrowed Via Interlibrary Loan (ILL):

Books that have been borrowed via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) have different loan periods, and cannot be renewed using this process. To renew an ILL book, contact the ILL department at (617) 358-2352 or Lending policies for ILL books are set by the owning library, so the period of the loan may vary, and not all items can be renewed.