EndNote And PubMed
EndNote And PubMed
There are two ways to get PubMed citations into a library:
Connecting Directly to PubMed
- Under “Tools” menu, choose “Online Search”. [NOTE: This is called “Connect” in versions of EndNote previous to XI]
- The last four information resources which have been used are displayed by default. If no resources are displayed or if the desired location is not shown, click on “New Search”.
- Choose PubMed (NLM).
- In the drop-down boxes, EndNote displays Author, Date and Title as default fields. However, you can choose to search with PubMed specific search fields (such as MeSH, PMID, Substance Name), or do a broad search by using “All Fields”.
- Click on “More Options”, to add more search boxes (the default is three) if you need to create a more powerful and refined query.
- After entering in your search terms, run the search and you will get a “Confirm Remote Search” screen. From here you can choose the number of citations you want retrieved. Note that this will not put the citations directly into your library – there will be an intermediary screen from which you can select citations.
- After selecting the number of results you want retrieved,you will see these search results from a separate window. From here, you can look at the records and select the ones you would like to place in your library. The “copy all to” button on the top right side sends all citations from the search to the library you select.
- EndNote includes the URL for PubMed articles, which will lead to full-text PDF’s of the article, when available (note that when importing records from a search done on the PubMed interface, the URL is not included).
Importing Records From PubMed
- Open PubMed.
- Run a search
- Select the records of your choice by clicking on the check boxes next to each citation.
- In the “Send To” drop-down box under the tab menu, choose “Clipboard”.
- A green bar is added to the top of the screen with text about the number of records and an asterisk is now next to the “Clipboard” tab.
- Information about the clipboard will be displayed on the upper right side of the screen
- Once you are done with choosing records and sending them to the Clipboard, click on the Clipboard link in the upperright corner of the screen.
- Once you are on the clipboard page, you can send all the results to EndNote by choosing the “Send To” pulldown menu (If you only want to send some of the citations within your clipboard to EndNote, select them by checking the box next to each relevant citation listing).
- In the “Send To” pulldown menu, select “File”
- Once you select File, more options will appear.
- EndNote only recognizes PubMed records formatted in MEDLINE style. Click on the “Display” drop-down and choose “MEDLINE”. NOTE: If this format is not chosen, records will not import into EndNote.
- In the “Send To” drop-down, choose “File”.
- File will be saved under the name “pubmed_result(#)” with “#” representing the number of times this has been done previously.
- Go back into EndNote, choose “File” and “Import”.
- In the “Import” Dialog Box, browse for the “pubmed_result(#)” you just created.
- Under “Import Option”, choose “PubMed(NLM)”.
- Under “Duplicates”, choose “Import All”.
- Under “Text Translation”, choose “No Translation”.