4th Year Medical Student Electives in Dermatology

180.1 Dermatology

Instructor: Bilal Fawaz, MD
Location: BUMC, Shapiro 8
Telephone: 617.358.9700
Number of Students: 2-3 per rotation
Period to be Offered: 4 weeks

Description of Elective:
The department offers a four-week, full-time clinical elective to meet the needs of students. This clinical elective program includes observing and participating in the care of patients in the Dermatology Service of Shapiro 8 and in consultations on in-patients at Boston Medical Center. Students will work closely with the dermatology residents and attending staff. They also are given lectures covering basic diagnoses and therapies of skin diseases, and are urged to attend and participate in the teaching activities of the department. These include clinical grand rounds, journal club, lectures and seminars on a variety of clinical and basic science subjects related to dermatology.

Note: Elective can be taken for four weeks only. There will be no exceptions.

180.11 Research in Dermatology

Instructor:  Rhoda Alani, MD
Location: J Building – BUSM
Telephone: 617.358.9700
Number of Students: 1
Period to be Offered: 8 or 12 weeks

Description of Elective:
The elective is designed to give interested students an in-depth exposure to both clinical and laboratory research. Ongoing work includes studies of stem cells, cellular growth control, epigenetics, mechanisms of cellular aging, controls of melanogenesis and cell-cell interaction in the skin. Most studies involve use of human skin-derived cells and molecular biology techniques. Prior laboratory experience is desirable for basic science projects. The elective is not limited to basic science. It could be focused on patient-based clinical research or psycho-social projects.

*Please note, Dr. Alani is not taking any new students in her research program at this time.

Helpful Links:

For students interested in doing research in the department of Dermatology please email dermtrng@bu.edu