Pipeline for Underrepresented Students in Healthcare (PUSH)
Mission/Vision: Boston University Chobanian &Avedisian School of Medicine-PUSH will be a service learning opportunity that is sponsored by Boston Education, Advising and Mentoring in STEM (BEAMS), a pipeline program created by the Department of Medical Sciences & Education (MSE) at BUSM. Like BEAMS, Boston University Chobanian &Avedisian School of Medicine-PUSH aims to increase the diversity of the healthcare care workforce by creating opportunities for Boston high school students to learn about careers in medicine, with a particular focus on students from backgrounds underrepresented in medicine. Under the leadership of medical students, PUSH will establish longitudinal mentoring relationships between medical students and Boston Public Schools (BPS) students that persist beyond the end of the school year, and hopefully beyond high school graduation. Mentoring will be facilitated through a series of healthcare-related didactic sessions designed to foster interest and meaningful relationships with BPS students. As students progress through high school and college, Boston University Chobanian &Avedisian School of Medicine-PUSH will provide additional non-academic help (e.g. application help, interview prep, etc) at milestones along their path to a career in healthcare.