Career Planning
System for Career Advising
Our integrated system for career advising provides longitudinal, individualized mentoring and advising to help students form their professional identity, choose a career path, and prepare for residency.
The system comprises three main areas of focus:
- Student Affairs Deans
- Core Advisors (AMEs)
- Peer Advisors
- Field Specific Advisors (FSAs)
Career Planning by Year
The Student Affairs Office provides and coordinates several resources to guide you through your career planning. Below is an overview of what to expect from first year into fourth year:
First and Second Year
Developing your interests and exploring career options.
Highlights include:
- Career Expo: Introduction to specialties, occurs yearly in the fall, with residents and faculty
- Advisor Network: Meet your Core Advisor during Doctoring 1, Peer advisors assigned in Orientation, Student Affairs deans, Open Office Hours, ePortfolio review with advisors and Student Affairs deans
- Career Interest Groups: Match panels, overview of specialties, shadowing opportunities, journal clubs, engage in research, meet faculty/staff in non-graded environment; alternative careers in medicine
- Careers in Medicine (CiM) resources: outlined in monthly Advisor Network updates (email)
- ePortfolio: to organize activities, resources, and initial reflections
- Alumni Connections
- Semester Class Meetings to plan for “next steps”
- Class meeting to plan for Third year
- Planning your Summer
Third Year
Narrowing down specialties, preparing for fourth year and the residency MATCH.
Highlights include:
- Third Year Career Fair: meet with program directors and faculty from various specialties to hear more about the specialties of interest to you
- Advisor Network: Field Specific Advisor Program and Student Affairs deans; Core Advisor: assistance in making connections, networking, questions to ask, and things to consider, group and 1:1 meetings
- ePortfolio: to organize activities, resources, and reflections on clerkships
- CiM resources: outlined in monthly Advisor Network updates (email)
- Elective selection resources: online, complementing faculty advice
- Discussions with 4th Year students on selecting a specialty (Panel discussion) and in specialty-specific small groups
- Class meetings to plan for 4th year
Fourth Year
Selecting a career specialty, application process, and preparing for residency.
Highlights include:
- Elective selection resources online and discussion with faculty advisors and deans
- CiM resources: outlined in monthly Advisor Network updates (email)
- Career Interest Groups: Match panels and discussion lunches
- Advisor Network: Field Specific Advisors and Student Affairs deans (required); other faculty, chairs, and program directors
- Boot Camps
- Preparing for Match: Personal Statement workshops, Interview Workshop and program director panel, required Mock Interviews; 1:1 counseling meetings with Student Affairs deans and 1:1 meetings with Field Specific Advisors; Dr. Chen and Dr. Beazley’s video for virtual residency interviews
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- Class Meetings to plan for the application process: interviewing, Rank Order Lists, what to expect MATCH week