Current Facilities Priorities

Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (CSSC)

Simulation training is essential for medical student development. Our MD candidates use the CSSC in all four years. Using sophisticated simulators and task trainers, they practice skills and procedures they will use throughout their careers, advancing from the most basic—such as checking blood pressure and taking a history—to catheterization, pelvic exams, lumbar punctures, and other more complex procedures. Today the CSSC serves more than 400 medical students each year and provides services to the Physician Assistant program, the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, and other graduate medical educators.  Support the Clinical Skills & Simulation Center Fund.

A more enhanced Clinical Skills and Simulation Center will help perpetuate the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine’s proud tradition of educating doctors who are particularly humanistic and caring.

With donor support, Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine will:

• Construct new simulated patient rooms, including both inpatient and outpatient rooms

• Construct small-group learning spaces equipped with technologies to record patient simulations and play them back during faculty and peer debriefings

• Purchase simulated technologies, including a modern SIM-man and SIM-scope ultrasound machine

• Acquire software and computers for video monitoring by faculty, for use in end-of-year assessments

• Hire a part-time simulation technician

• Create a fund to support master educators in physical diagnosis and communication

Team-Based Learning Lab

This brand-new space on the fourth floor of the Evans Building will be designed to meet the needs of the evolving medical school curriculum, which emphasizes team-based learning over traditional auditorium-style lectures. Students will sit in small groups, working and learning together as faculty move around the space to offer guidance and monitor learning and discussion. The Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine is already practicing this learning style, which the new space will facilitate, keeping us on the cutting edge of teaching and learning.  To support the Team-Based Learning Lab, please contact the Development Office or write-in “Team-Based Learning Lab” on the giving form.

Gross Anatomy Lab

Whether they go on to become oncologists, family doctors, or orthopedic surgeons, all Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine students begin in the Gross Anatomy Lab. There, in a required first-year course, students painstakingly dissect a human cadaver, gaining a thorough understanding of the body while honing important professional skills, sensitivities, and work habits. Recent renovations—made thanks to the support of generous donors—include new floors, walls, ceilings, ductwork, lighting, sinks, storage, safety equipment, and other essential improvements. Students also have access to cutting-edge learning tools. Generous donor support will ensure that the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine can maintain the Gross Anatomy Lab as a state-of-the-art space deserving of the students, faculty, and those who donate their bodies for education. We look forward to working with donors to identify giving opportunities, and we are grateful for the strong support we have already received for this space.  Support the Medical Gross Anatomy Lab Fund.

If you are interested in supporting the renovation or creation of these spaces, please contact BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Development for a list of naming opportunities.