Suggest a Purchase

Please use this form to suggest a purchase of a book, or a subscription to a journal or a database. If you would like to arrange the temporary loan of a book or acquire a specific journal article from another institution, use the Interlibrary Loan Form. If you would like to make a request for a software license, please contact IT Support at

Students, faculty and staff of the Boston University Schools of Dental Medicine, Medicine and Public Health are eligible to submit purchase requests. Please complete this form with as much information as possible, including your contact information. Requests submitted without requestor information will not be considered for purchase.

Purchase decisions are based on several criteria, including: an evaluation of the requested material’s subject scope, indexing, and cost; library collection development policies; Interlibrary Loan data; analysis of the overall collection; and the availability of funds.

For additional information or questions, please contact the library at

Information About the Requested Item

Fill in as much information as you can about the material you would like the library to purchase.

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