Academic Curriculum

Daily Conferences

At BMC, two 45-minute teaching conferences are held daily from 12:00 – 1:30 PM. The conference curriculum provides an organized, balanced, and formal learning experience. Approximately half of the conferences are didactic lectures and the other half are case-based presentations. In addition, we structure the curriculum in a “block” schedule such that each sub-specialty lectures for one week at a time in order to help focus resident learning.”Mini-courses” in the radiologic domains recognized by the ABR form the framework for the conference curriculum. These domains include: Breast, Cardiovascular, Gastrointestinal, Genitourinary, Interventional, Musculoskeletal, Neuroradiology, Nuclear, Pediatrics, and Thoracic. We also include an additional non-clinical curriculum focusing on education, research, leadership, quality improvement, patient safety, health equity, and wellness. Residents are expected to give one lecture per academic year.At case conferences, residents are called upon to offer interpretations and discuss unknown case material, guided by faculty or co-residents. Through these conferences, the residents are taught the important process of observation, synthesis and analysis, differential diagnosis, and management implications. Residents assigned to the BVAMC participate in the BMC conferences via teleconferencing.

Introductory Conference Series

A series of introductory lectures is given to first-year residents during July and August.

Core & Non-Interpretive Curriculum

Besides the “mini-courses,” our conference curriculum includes other important and relevant topics such as journal club and monthly departmental Morbidity and Mortality (M+M) conferences.

Departmental Grand Rounds

Monthly Radiology Grand Rounds are held during the academic year, September – May. Local, national, and international speakers are invited to give lectures on timely topics; these speakers usually present an additional case-based session for the residents. Guest faculty are identified by the Education Committee and invited by the Co-Chief Residents.

Radiology Physics

There is a dedicated course in physics which runs throughout the academic year for all residents. The dedicated department medical physicist covers topics such as an introduction to imaging and risks, radiation biology, MR physics, CT physics, mammography physics, nuclear medicine physics, ultrasound physics, radiography physics, and radiation biology.By the end of their first year, residents are required to complete an online radiation safety training module. During new trainee orientation, they attend a hands-on radiation safety training lab given by our department’s head medical physicist. By the end of their first year, the residents are expected to have completed the RSNA/AAPM Online Physics Modules, which covers topics such as radiation safety. They are registered for the Foundations of Physics program given by Telerad Physics Teaching, which is a 12 week-long course of weekly live interactive lectures which supplements the topics given by our department curriculum.Prior to the ABR Qualifying (Core) Exam, all third year residents attend the ABR Core Exam Physics program given by Telerad Physics Teaching, which is a 4-day live online review session that includes topics such as radiation safety, MR physics, CT physics, mammography physics, nuclear medicine physics, and ultrasound physics. Additionally, third year residents are given a “Radioisotope Practicum” consisting of 10 hours of lectures/hands-on labs, which consists of training for proper radiation signage, Written Directives and Authorized User requirements, portable radiation detection equipment and quality control, handling of radioactive materials, response to radiation spills and accidents, safe handling, administration, and quality control of radionuclide doses used in clinical medicine including therapeutic doses of unsealed sources, radionuclide generating systems, radiobiology, calibration and quality control of dose calibrators, well counters, and thyroid counting equipment. The course is directed by a board-certified health physicist.