Core Partners
Possible, works in partnership with Nyaya Health Nepal, a Nepal-based NGO working with the government to strengthen care delivery and health systems. Possible’s integrated care delivery systems include facility-based primary care, home-based, longitudinal care delivery by Community Health Workers, and an electronic health records system to facilitate facility and community care.
Equal Health, Haiti. Equal Health works with local partners to create strong, sustainable medical and nursing education systems. The goal is to foster the development of a self-sustaining, equitable, and collaborative Haitian medical education system that equips Haitian health professionals to provide high-quality care to all Haitians.
The Lesotho-Boston Health Alliance (LeBoHA) aims to strengthen management, policy, planning, and clinical capacity in the health sector of Lesotho. The organization’s intent is to assist the country in responding to the HIV/AIDS crisis with the long-term goal of contributing to the development of a sustainable health sector that is attractive to Basotho physicians and nurses. LeBoHA structures all activities to be integrated, complimentary and within a strategic framework developed with and agreed to by key leaders, particularly the Minister of Health & Social Welfare.