William Edward Boden MD

Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine

Lecturer in Medicine

150 S Huntington Avenue | (857) 364-4201
William Boden

Cardiovascular Medicine


I am ABIM board-certified in both Internal Medicine and the subspecialty of Cardiovascular Disease. Since 1979, I have held university appointments at Brown University, Wayne State University, Tufts New England Medical Center, Boston University, the University of Connecticut, State University of New York in Buffalo, and Albany Medical College. For the past 27 consecutive years, I have held leadership roles as either a Chief of cardiology or Chief of Medicine at both federal VA facilities and in the academic private sector, all of which have had strong affiliations with their respective academic health centers. In 2016, I re-joined the VA Boston MAVERIC Center as the Scientific Director, Clinical Trials Network, for the VA New England Healthcare System, and as the Research Lead Physician, for VISN 1.

I have extensive prior experience in clinical trials and comparative effectiveness research, and have served in a leadership capacity in several important national and international clinical trials, including as Study Chair for VA CSP-funded VANQWISH and COURAGE Trials, as Study Co-Chair of the NIH-funded AIM-HIGH Trial, and as a national co-PI for the NIH-funded ISCHEMIA Trial. My principal research interests include studies in stable ischemic heart disease, post-MI secondary prevention, acute coronary syndromes, and preventive cardiology.

Other Positions


Medicine-Internal, MD, State University of New York at Brockport

Biology, BS, Le Moyne College


Published on 12/17/2024

Reynolds HR, Page CB, Shaw LJ, Berman DS, Chaitman BR, Picard MH, Kwong RY, Min JK, Leipsic J, Mancini GBJ, Budoff MJ, Hague CJ, Senior R, Szwed H, Bhargava B, Celutkiene J, Gadkari M, Bainey KR, Doerr R, Ramos RB, Ong P, Naik SR, Steg PG, Goetschalckx K, Chow BJW, Scherrer-Crosbie M, Phillips L, Mark DB, Spertus JA, Alexander KP, O'Brien SM, Boden WE, Bangalore S, Stone GW, Maron DJ, Hochman JS. Relationship Between Severity of Ischemia and Coronary Artery Disease for Different Stress Test Modalities in the ISCHEMIA Trial. Circ Cardiovasc Interv. 2024 Dec; 17(12):e013743. PMID: 39689188.

Published on 10/14/2024

Weintraub WS, Boden WE. Achieving successful prevention of coronary artery disease: a worldwide call to action. Eur Heart J. 2024 Oct 14; 45(39):4197-4199. PMID: 39212225.

Published on 9/29/2024

Boden WE, De Caterina R, Kaski JC, Bairey Merz N, Berry C, Marzilli M, Pepine CJ, Barbato E, Stefanini G, Prescott E, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Hill JA, Crea F. Myocardial ischaemic syndromes: a new nomenclature to harmonize evolving international clinical practice guidelines. Eur Heart J. 2024 Sep 29; 45(36):3701-3706. PMID: 39211956.

Published on 9/29/2024

Nurmohamed NS, Min JK, Anthopolos R, Reynolds HR, Earls JP, Crabtree T, Mancini GBJ, Leipsic J, Budoff MJ, Hague CJ, O'Brien SM, Stone GW, Berger JS, Donnino R, Sidhu MS, Newman JD, Boden WE, Chaitman BR, Stone PH, Bangalore S, Spertus JA, Mark DB, Shaw LJ, Hochman JS, Maron DJ. Atherosclerosis quantification and cardiovascular risk: the ISCHEMIA trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Sep 29; 45(36):3735-3747. PMID: 39101625.

Published on 9/20/2024

Ikemura N, Spertus JA, Nguyen D, Fu Z, Jones PG, Reynolds HR, Bangalore S, Bhargava B, Senior R, Elghamaz A, Goodman SG, Lopes RD, Pracon R, López-Sendón J, Maggioni AP, Kohsaka S, Roth GA, White HD, Mavromatis K, Boden WE, Rodriguez F, Hochman JS, Maron DJ. International Variation in Health Status Benefits in Patients Undergoing Initial Invasive Versus Conservative Management for Chronic Coronary Disease: Insights From the ISCHEMIA Trial. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2024 Oct; 17(10):e010534. PMID: 39301726.

Published on 9/17/2024

Boden WE, De Caterina R. ORBITA Trials Are Not Justification to Promote a PCI-First Strategy in Nonacute Myocardial Ischemic Syndromes. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2024 Sep; 17(9):e011268. PMID: 39288214.

Published on 9/5/2024

Guyton JR, Boden WE. Niacin, food intake and cardiovascular effects. Nat Med. 2024 Sep; 30(9):2444-2445. PMID: 39237629.

Published on 8/30/2024

Boden WE, De Caterina R, Kaski JC, Bairey Merz N, Berry C, Marzilli M, Pepine CJ, Barbato E, Stefanini G, Prescott E, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Hill JA, Crea F. Myocardial Ischemic Syndromes: A New Nomenclature to Harmonize Evolving International Clinical Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2024 Nov 12; 150(20):1631-1637. PMID: 39210827.

Published on 7/2/2024

Yuyun MF, Joseph J, Erqou SA, Kinlay S, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Peralta AO, Hoffmeister PS, Boden WE, Yarmohammadi H, Martin DT, Singh JP. Evolution and prognosis of tricuspid and mitral regurgitation following cardiac implantable electronic devices: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Europace. 2024 Jul 02; 26(7). PMID: 38812433.

Published on 6/13/2024

Shurrab M, Austin PC, Jackevicius CA, Tu K, Qiu F, Haldenby O, Middleton A, Turakhia MP, Lopes RD, Boden WE, Castellucci LA, Heidenreich PA, Healey JS, Ko DT. Comparative effectiveness and safety of apixaban and rivaroxaban in older patients with atrial fibrillation: A population-based cohort study. Heart Rhythm. 2024 Dec; 21(12):2397-2406. PMID: 38878942.

View full list of 408 publications.