Working Remotely
The Department of Medicine central systems are available to all users remotely. For security reasons, users must make use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) offerings of either Boston University or Boston Medical Center. A VPN creates a secure encrypted tunnel over the Internet between your computer and the campus network.
- BU employees, students, researchers, and faculty should use the BUMC VPN. Instructions can be found on the BUMC OIT web site.
- BMC employees, including administrative staff and clinicians should use the BMC VPN. Users can obtain access to the BMC VPN by contacting the BMC ITS HelpDesk at 617-414-4500 or opening a ticket online (requires BMC credentials). You will need to be issued a SecurID token.
Please contact if you have trouble obtaining VPN access. Contractors, post-doctoral fellows, and other non-employees please contact
Once VPN access is established, please proceed to instructions on accessing the various DOM central resources (requires VPN to view if off-campus).