Requesting 2021 Blue Ribbon Panelists for Evans Days

It’s that time of year, when we begin preparations to celebrate each other’s accomplishments within the Department of Medicine. The Department of Medicine Evans Days will be held virtually on October 7-8, 2021.  In order to select the outstanding poster presenters from among our trainees, we will need your expertise. This year, we will have approximately 120 submitted abstracts. All will be invited to post their posters online. Out of the 120 posted posters, 12 will be selected for oral presentations at Evans Days on Thursday, October 7. We expect to assign about 10-15 abstracts to each reviewer.

Please indicate if you would be willing to review and grade the abstracts in August to help select the 12 oral presenters (6 basic science and 6 clinical science) and/or serve as a judge at the oral and poster sessions on Thursday, October 7. Please RSVP by Friday, July 30, 2021  if you are able to participate.

2 Opportunities to Judge

Abstract  judging (August 6th – August 27th)

Abstracts  will be available for viewing online and each judge will be assigned ~10-15 abstracts to review

Oral Presentations & Poster Sessions (October 7)

Judges will have the opportunity to review their assigned posters online in advance of Evans Days. They will then be expected to visit their assigned posters during the virtual poster session from 9:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. on October 7th.  Judges will then have the opportunity to interact with the researcher and ask them their questions.

Please indicate if you would be willing to help grade the abstracts and/or serve as a judge at the oral presentations or poster session on Thursday, October 7.


For questions please contact Takiesha Brooks at,