BUMC Toastmasters Virtual Open House
BUMC Toastmasters Virtual Open House
Overcome your fear of speaking in a friendly, supportive atmosphere!
Learn to: Organize your thoughts • Think on your feet • Develop meeting skills • Build confidence • Increase your vocabulary • Practice leadership skills • Speak with clarity and fluency • Provide and receive feedback
Thursday, September 17, 5:15 – 6:30 PM via Zoom
Learn more about BUMC Toastmasters: BUMCToastmasters.toastmastersclubs.org or email BUMCToasmasters@gmail.com
Register to attend the BUMC Toastmasters Virtual Open House
Register to attend the BUMC Toastmasters Virtual Open House
Toastmasters International is a worldwide nonprofit educational organization that empowers individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders. Headquartered in Englewood, CO, the organization’s membership exceeds 357,000 in more than 16,600 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators and leaders. Visit us here for information about local Toastmasters clubs.