Microarray and Sequencing Resource Core Facility
The Boston University Microarray and Sequencing Resource (BUMSR) Core offers Next Generation Sequencing (Illumina NextSeq500, Ion Torrent Proton and PGM) and supports the full line of microarray products available from Affymetrix including expression profiling, miRNA, exon, genotyping, resequencing, and tiling arrays. As part of the standard microarray service, the resource provides assistance with experimental design and data analysis. The BUMSR Core also offers analysis of RNA and DNA using Agilent Bioanalyzer.
The BUMSR is a full service facility. Instrumentation is not available for individual use. Please contact the BUMSR for more information about next generation sequencing experimental design consultation and analysis. For information about pricing, please see our pricing page.
Yuriy Alekseyev, PhD
Core Director
(617) 358-7245│yurik@bu.edu│ Office E633
Marc E. Lenburg, PhD
VM (617) 358-7080│mlenburg@bu.edu│ Office E613B
Ashley Leclerc
Laboratory Manager
(617) 358-7247│aleclerc@bu.edu│Office E634│MSRlab@bu.edu
Monday – Friday │ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
BU School Medicine
Evans Building
72 East Concord Street, Room 627
Boston, MA 02118
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