$2,500 to $4,999

Boston University gratefully acknowledges the leadership of the following donors, who have given between $2,500 to $4,999 to the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Heidi Abdelhady (CAMED’98) and N. Mehdy Rahman ◊*
Michael L.J. Apuzzo (CAMED’65) ◊*
Janis L. Baccari (CAMED’95, CAS’91) ◊*
Tamar F. Barlam (SPH’09) ◊¤■*
David L. Barrasso (CAMED’74) and Sibylle C. Barrasso ◊*
James B. Bassett, Jr. (CAMED’80) and Lily L. Bassett (Questrom’79) ◊*
Kiran N. Batheja (CAS’90, CGS’88) and Jenny C. So (CAMED’94, CAS’94) ◊■*
Eric A. Birken (CAMED’68, CAS’68) and Marcia D. Birken ◊*
Richard D. Bland (CAMED’66) and Marlene Rabinovitch ◊*
James F. Bopp Jr. and Phyllis Bopp ◊■*
Lenore J. Brancato (CAMED’84, CAS’84) and Louis Potters ◊*
Caryn B. Broitman ◊
Jeff Burnham ◊✰
Joseph F. Calabrese and Mary T. Calabrese ◊■*
Russell and Gerri Carney ◊
Michael J. Cassidy (CAMED’73) and Andrea W. Cassidy ◊■*
David M. Center (CAMED’72, CAS’72) and Patricia Rabbett ◊¤*
Dr. Vicki A. Chavin (CAMED’91, CAS’87) and Jeffrey M. Chavin ◊■*
Yi-Chuan Ching (CAMED’58) ◊■*
John V. Chobanian (CAMED’81) and Stephanie M. Pawlowski ◊*
Stephen P. Christiansen and Karen C. Christiansen ◊¤*
John P. Cloherty (CAMED’62) ◊*
Leah A. Darak (CAMED’91, CAS’91) and Harold Darak ◊*
Susan F. Davis (CAS’71, Wheelock’72) and Arthur D. Davis ◊*
Lester S. Dewis (CAMED’61, CAS’57) and Susan B. Dewis (SAR’62) ◊¤*
David P. DiChiara (CAMED’84, CAS’80) and Maria J. DiChiara ◊¤■*
Jack T. Evjy (CAMED’61) and Sheila A. Evjy (SON’82) ◊¤*
Nancy S. Flint (SON’77,’81) and Loring S. Flint, Jr. (CAMED’76, CAS’73) ◊¤*
Carol S. Forbes ◊*
Richard K. Forster (CAMED’63) and Janet F. Forster ◊*
John P. Gira (CAMED’98, CAS’98) and Amy E. Kim (CAMED’98, CAS’98) ◊*
Evangelos S. Gragoudas and Chariclea Gragoudas ◊
Robert W. Healy (CAMED’67) and Bonnie M. Healy ◊■*
David G. Heller (CAMED’68, CAS’68) and Nancy R. Heller (Wheelock’65) ◊*
George L. Hines (CAMED’69, CAS’69) and Helene A. Hines (SAR’69) ◊■*
Harry M. Iannotti (CAMED’66) and Judith A. Iannotti ◊*
Isabelle A. Katzer (Wheelock’68) ◊*
David L. Kerstetter, Jr. (CAMED’00,’04) and Sheela G. Kerstetter (CAMED’05, CAS’01) ◊*
Daniel S. Kirshenbaum (CAMED’11, CAS’07) and Laura B. Kirshenbaum (LAW’12) ◊¤*
Michael D. Klein ◊¤*
Johanna H. Klein (CAMED’94) and Robert D. Lepson ◊■*
Gregory D. Knepper (CAS’92) ◊*
F. James Knittle, Jr. and Gloria G. Knittle ◊*
Byron L. Lam (CAMED’86, CAS’84) and Diane Zheng ◊*
William J. Lehman and Diana C. Lehman ◊¤*
Amareth Lim ◊*
Rebecca E. Mathews ◊*
Ellen McGinnis ◊*
Thomas S. McGrath ◊*
Thomas J. Moore and Mary C. Moore ◊¤■*
Carol D. Morris (CAMED’94) ◊*
Michael S. Niederman (CAMED’77, CAS’77) and Ronna K. Niederman (COM’75) ◊■*
Michael E. Nurenberg (CAMED’01) and Margaret G. Craig (CAS’97, CAMED’01) ◊*
John F. O’Brien (CAMED’59) ◊¤*
Edward F. Parsons (CAMED’65) ◊■*
Burt M. Perlmutter (CAMED’63) and Roberta Perlmutter ◊¤*
Victoria Pryor and Gregory Pryor ◊■✰
George Rosenthal ◊¤*
Pedram Salimpour (MED’96, MED’00) and Stacy Weiss ◊*
Frank J. Schaberg, Jr. (CAMED’68, CAS’68) and Monica J. Schaberg (CAMED’68, CAS’68) ◊*
Marguerite Shepard-DiCiaccio and Nicolas P. DiCiaccio ◊*
Robert A. Snyder (CAMED’77) and April Snyder ◊*
Burton G. Surick (CAMED’86, CAS’86) and Ilona W. Surick (CAMED’86, CAS’86) ◊*
Vickery E. Trinkaus-Randall ◊¤■*
Robert A. Vigersky (CAMED’70, CAS’70) and Karen J. Fitzgerald ◊*
Stephen A. Wasilewski (CAMED’74, CAS’72) and Nancy J. Wasilewski ◊*
Gloria Weinstock and Murray Weinstock (CAMED’65) ◊*
Joshua Wynne (CAMED’71, CAS’71) and Susan I. Farkas ◊*
Kevin Yu (CAMED’06, CAS’02) ◊*

◊ – Annual Fund Leadership Giving Society ¤ – Faculty/Staff Member
■ – Parent ☆ – First-time Donor
* – Loyal Donor
Φ – Recent Graduate Giving Society
Deceased individuals are listed in italic