The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement

Our organizations BMC and Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine, as well as our department, have a rich history of diversity, equity and inclusion. However, we recognize that there is much work to be done to create a fair and just community and society.

We are committed to the active pursuit of equity and inclusion for our faculty, residents, students, and staff. We commit to the support of our local and regional community to create opportunities for employment and education. We support education about social determinants of health and embrace anti-racism.

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Our Mission

Welcome to the Pathology website at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine! Pathology, the study of disease, integrates all aspects of biomedical science to further the understanding of disease processes and develop methods for diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of disease.

This department focuses particularly on the biology, and immunology of cancer, and on neurologic disorders. It offers multiple research and training opportunities in experimental and applied pathology, and has a diverse faculty composed of core and joint members.

Meet the Chair: Chris Andry MPhil, PhD

Pathology Services

The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Pathology & Laboratory Services News

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: New News Summer 2020

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: New News Summer 2020 Announcements During the 2020 SARS CoV-2 pandemic Pathology Laboratory Sciences graduate students past and present stepped up to support the department in a major way. Manisha Cole (GMS 2021) and recent graduates Kyle de la Cena (GMS 2020) and Morgan Thompson (2017) have been instrumental in setting up and supporting the […]

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