Zoran S. Nedeljkovic MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine
75 E. Newton St | (617) 638-8703znedeljk@bu.edu

Expertise includes: Coronary artery disease; Coronary revascularization; Coronary angioplasty and stenting.
MD, Thomas Jefferson University
BS, Pennsylvania State University
Koelbl CO, Nedeljkovic ZS, Jacobs AK. Coronary Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO): A Review. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2018 Mar 30; 19(1):33-39. PMID: 31032601.
Published on 7/25/2016Jacobs AK, Nedeljkovic ZS. Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy: Why Stop Now? JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2016 07 25; 9(14):1470-2. PMID: 27478114.
Published on 5/22/2015Nedeljkovic ZS, Jacobs AK. Oxygen for ST-Segment-Elevation Myocardial Infarction: Still Up in the Air. Circulation. 2015 Jun 16; 131(24):2101-3. PMID: 26002888.
Published on 8/6/2013Shah B, Srinivas VS, Lu J, Brooks MM, Bates ER, Nedeljkovic ZS, Escobedo J, Das GS, Lopez JJ, Feit F. Change in enrollment patterns, patient selection, and clinical outcomes with the availability of drug-eluting stents in the Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation 2 Diabetes trial. Am Heart J. 2013 Sep; 166(3):519-26. PMID: 24016502.
Published on 7/1/2011Nedeljkovic ZS, Jacobs AK. Getting in and out: the RACE to primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2011 Jul; 4(4):376-8. PMID: 21772001.
Published on 7/1/2005Nedeljkovic ZS, Gokce N. Oxidative stress and exercise. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2005 Jul-Aug; 25(4):220-1. PMID: 16056069.
Published on 5/21/2003Gokce N, Keaney JF, Hunter LM, Watkins MT, Nedeljkovic ZS, Menzoian JO, Vita JA. Predictive value of noninvasively determined endothelial dysfunction for long-term cardiovascular events in patients with peripheral vascular disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003 May 21; 41(10):1769-75. PMID: 12767663.
Published on 4/1/2003Nedeljkovic ZS, Gokce N, Loscalzo J. Mechanisms of oxidative stress and vascular dysfunction. Postgrad Med J. 2003 Apr; 79(930):195-199; quiz 198-200. PMID: 12743334.