Richard A. Serrao MD

Clinical Associate Professor, Infectious Diseases

150 S Huntington Avenue | (617) 638-8052
Richard Serrao

Infectious Diseases


Dr. Serrao received undergraduate training in Biomedical Sciences and his medical degree from the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA via the accelerated University of California UCR/UCLA 7 year premed-med program and received his diplomat in internal medicine from Cedars Sinai medical center in Los Angeles. He went on to infectious diseases fellowship training at Boston Medical Center with additional training in transplantation infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital. He is currently Clinical Associate Professor in the sections of general internal medicine and infectious diseases and attends on many clinical rotations training students, residents and fellows (in infectious diseases) from BU, BIDMC and Brigham and Women's programs at the VA Boston Healthcare System. He was the medical director for the popular Ambulatory Diagnostic Treatment Center (ADTC) at the JPVA and is an associate clerkship director for the internal medicine 3rd year core internal medicine rotation. He is a faculty member of the BUSM Academy of Medical Educators. His current projects focus on enhancing critical thinking in making clinical diagnoses as well as incorporating media into medical education.


MD, University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine

BS, University of California, Riverside


Published on 7/15/2022

Lauren E. Merz, Shivani Jindal, Tayla Shahal, Richard Serrao, Anthony C. Breu. A Veteran With Recurrent, Painful Knee Effusion. Federal Practitioner. 2022; 39(7):315-319.

Published on 7/15/2022

Merz LE, Jindal S, Shahal T, Serrao R, Breu AC. A Veteran With Recurrent, Painful Knee Effusion. Fed Pract. 2022 Jul; 39(7):315-319. PMID: 36425346.

Published on 4/12/2022

Emeli TO, Serrao R. Delayed perihepatic abscess caused by Cutibacterium acnes following right partial hepatectomy. BMJ Case Rep. 2022 Apr 12; 15(4). PMID: 35414576.

Published on 12/4/2020

Richard Serrao. Clinical Medicine for Optometrists, David M. Shein, Rachel C. Druckenbrod. Chapter 10: HIV Infection. Wolters Kluwer. Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands. 2020; 317-352.

Published on 11/1/2017

Lakshmana Swamy, MD ; Nicholas J. Butler, MD ; Richard Serrao, MD ; Anthony C. Breu, MD . Fed Pract. 2017 November;34(11):18-23. Boston VA Medical Forum: HIV-Positive Veteran With Progressive Visual Changes. MD Edge/ Federal Practitioner: n/a. 2017; 34(11):18-23.

Published on 5/1/2016

Serrao RA, Orlander JD. The Ambulatory Diagnostic and Treatment Center: A Unique Model for Educating Medical Trainees and Providing Expedited Care. Acad Med. 2016 May; 91(5):669-72. PMID: 26839944.

Published on 11/1/2013

Helbig S, Brecher SM, Serrao RA. Corynebacterium striatum cardiovascular implantable device infection. Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. 2013; 21:401-404.

Published on 4/30/2013

Morrison VA, Oxman MN, Levin MJ, Schmader KE, Guatelli JC, Betts RF, Gelb LD, Pachucki CT, Keay SK, Menzies B, Griffin MR, Kauffman CA, Marques AR, Toney JF, Simberkoff MS, Serrao R, Arbeit RD, Gnann JW, Greenberg RN, Holodniy M, Keitel WA, Yeh SS, Davis LE, Crawford GE, Neuzil KM, Johnson GR, Zhang JH, Harbecke R, Chan IS, Keller PM, Williams HM, Boardman KD, Silber JL, Annunziato PW. Safety of zoster vaccine in elderly adults following documented herpes zoster. J Infect Dis. 2013 Aug 15; 208(4):559-63. PMID: 23633406.

Published on 11/1/2007

Tandon R, Kim KS, Serrao R. Disseminated Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection in a person with AIDS with cutaneous and CNS lesions. AIDS Read. 2007 Nov; 17(11):555-60. PMID: 18170919.

Published on 6/2/2005

Oxman MN, Levin MJ, Johnson GR, Schmader KE, Straus SE, Gelb LD, Arbeit RD, Simberkoff MS, Gershon AA, Davis LE, Weinberg A, Boardman KD, Williams HM, Zhang JH, Peduzzi PN, Beisel CE, Morrison VA, Guatelli JC, Brooks PA, Kauffman CA, Pachucki CT, Neuzil KM, Betts RF, Wright PF, Griffin MR, Brunell P, Soto NE, Marques AR, Keay SK, Goodman RP, Cotton DJ, Gnann JW, Loutit J, Holodniy M, Keitel WA, Crawford GE, Yeh SS, Lobo Z, Toney JF, Greenberg RN, Keller PM, Harbecke R, Hayward AR, Irwin MR, Kyriakides TC, Chan CY, Chan IS, Wang WW, Annunziato PW, Silber JL. A vaccine to prevent herpes zoster and postherpetic neuralgia in older adults. N Engl J Med. 2005 Jun 2; 352(22):2271-84. PMID: 15930418.

View full list of 11 publications.