Ravin Davidoff MBBCh
Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine
85 E. Concord St | (617) 638-9557radavido@bu.edu

Cardiovascular Medicine
Dr. Ravin Davidoff served as Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Boston Medical Center from 2011 through 2021. Dr. Davidoff previously served as Vice President of Medical Affairs and CMO at BMC since 2008. Dr. Davidoff received his MBBCh from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and completed his residency in internal medicine at Boston City Hospital and fellowship in cardiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Dr. Davidoff is a Professor of Medicine at BU School of Medicine. At BMC, he is responsible for Network Development, Graduate Medical Education, Medical Affairs, the Medical Executive Committee and Clinical Affiliations including the Community Health Centers. He is the Institutional Officer for Research at Boston Medical Center.
MBBCh, University of the Witwatersrand
Bouton TC, Lodi S, Turcinovic J, Schaeffer B, Weber SE, Quinn E, Korn C, Steiner J, Schechter-Perkins EM, Duffy E, Ragan EJ, Taylor BP, Miller N, Davidoff R, Hanage WP, Connor J, Pierre C, Jacobson KR. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Impact on Rates of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Cases and Postvaccination Strain Sequences Among Health Care Workers at an Urban Academic Medical Center: A Prospective Cohort Study. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Oct; 8(10):ofab465. PMID: 34646910.
Published on 7/10/2020Hsu HE, Ashe EM, Silverstein M, Hofman M, Lange SJ, Razzaghi H, Mishuris RG, Davidoff R, Parker EM, Penman-Aguilar A, Clarke KEN, Goldman A, James TL, Jacobson K, Lasser KE, Xuan Z, Peacock G, Dowling NF, Goodman AB. Race/Ethnicity, Underlying Medical Conditions, Homelessness, and Hospitalization Status of Adult Patients with COVID-19 at an Urban Safety-Net Medical Center - Boston, Massachusetts, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2020 Jul 10; 69(27):864-869. PMID: 32644981.
Published on 2/1/2018Di Carli MF, Davidoff R. Editor's Note. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018 02; 11(2):e007612. PMID: 29440114.
Published on 3/1/2017Di Carli MF, Davidoff R, Beerbaum P, Dorbala S, Gillam LD, Hoffmann U, Raman SV, Ruberg FL. Editor's Note. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017 03; 10(3). PMID: 28289023.
Published on 6/21/2016Di Carli MF, Geva T, Davidoff R. The Future of Cardiovascular Imaging. Circulation. 2016 Jun 21; 133(25):2640-61. PMID: 27324360.
Published on 2/1/2016Di Carli MF, Davidoff R. Recognition of Reviewers. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016 Feb; 9(2):e004600. PMID: 26848064.
Published on 1/1/2016Di Carli MF, Davidoff R. Editor's Note. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016 Jan; 9(1):e004410. PMID: 26719061.
Published on 11/10/2015Davidoff R, Fifer M, Francis S. Introduction to the Cardio-Oncology Miniseries. Circulation. 2015 Nov 10; 132(19):1834. PMID: 26553712.
Published on 5/1/2015Di Carli MF, Davidoff R. Editor's note. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2015 May; 8(5). PMID: 25977300.
Published on 11/1/2014Di Carli MF, Davidoff R. Editor's Note. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014 Nov; 7(6):853. PMID: 25406194.
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