Lisa B. Caruso MD, MPH

Clinical Associate Professor, Geriatrics

Vice Chair, Quality and Patient Safety

72 E. Concord Street | (617) 638-6121
Lisa Caruso



Dr. Caruso received her MD at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and her MPH at Boston University School of Public Health. She completed her Internal Medicine residency and 2-year Geriatric Medicine fellowship at Boston Medical Center. She is currently the Vice Chair of Quality and Patient Safety for the Department of Medicine. At Boston Medical Center, she provides care to older adults in the Geriatric Ambulatory Practice, the geriatric inpatient, long-term care and sub-acute rehab settings. Expertise and interests include: Resident and Medical Student training in Quality Improvement; Dementia; Delirium; Diabetes in older adults; Transitions of care; Long term care.


MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

BA, Wellesley College


Published on 9/5/2023

Volandes AE, Zupanc SN, Lakin JR, Cabral HJ, Burns EA, Carney MT, Lopez S, Itty J, Emmert K, Martin NJ, Cole T, Dobie A, Cucinotta T, Joel M, Caruso LB, Henault L, Dugas JN, Astone K, Winter M, Wang N, Davis AD, Garde C, Rodriguez PM, El-Jawahri A, Moseley ET, Das S, Sciacca K, Ramirez AM, Gromova V, Lambert S, Sanghani S, Lindvall C, Paasche-Orlow MK. Video Intervention and Goals-of-Care Documentation in Hospitalized Older Adults: The VIDEO-PCE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 Sep 05; 6(9):e2332556. PMID: 37695586.

Published on 5/5/2023

Shankar KN, Dugas J, Jaiprasert S, Nentwich L, Caruso L, Dobie A, Whalen D, Macip-Rodriguez P, Rao S, Mitchell SE. Evaluation of an Emergency Department-based Palliative Care Extender Program on Hospital and Patient Outcomes. West J Emerg Med. 2023 May 05; 24(3):637-643. PMID: 37278788.

Published on 7/25/2022

Lakin JR, Zupanc SN, Lindvall C, Moseley ET, Das S, Sciacca K, Cabral HJ, Burns EA, Carney MT, Itty J, Lopez S, Emmert K, Martin NJ, Lambert S, Polo J, Sanghani S, Dugas JN, Gomez M, Winter MR, Wang N, Gabry-Kalikow S, Dobie A, Amshoff M, Cucinotta T, Joel M, Caruso LB, Ramirez AM, Salerno K, Ogunneye Q, Henault L, Davis AD, Volandes A, Paasche-Orlow MK. Study protocol for Video Images about Decisions to Improve Ethical Outcomes with Palliative Care Educators (VIDEO-PCE): a pragmatic stepped wedge cluster randomised trial of older patients admitted to the hospital. BMJ Open. 2022 Jul 25; 12(7):e065236. PMID: 35879001.

Published on 10/1/2021

Nadjarian A, LeClair J, Mahoney TF, Awtry EH, Bhatia JS, Caruso LB, Clay A, Greer D, Hingorani KS, Horta LFB, Ibrahim M, Ieong MH, James T, Kulke MH, Lim R, Lowe RC, Moses JM, Murphy J, Nozari A, Patel AD, Silver B, Theodore AC, Wang RS, Weinstein E, Wilson SA, Cervantes-Arslanian AM. Validation of a Crisis Standards of Care Model for Prioritization of Limited Resources During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Crisis in an Urban, Safety-Net, Academic Medical Center. Crit Care Med. 2021 10 01; 49(10):1739-1748. PMID: 34115635.

Published on 10/2/2020

Lau-Ng R, Caruso LB, Perls TT. Reply to Comment on COVID-19 Deaths in Long Term Care Facilities - A Critical Piece of the Puzzle. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 12; 68(12):2748. PMID: 32835433.

Published on 7/20/2020

Lau-Ng R, Caruso LB, Perls TT. COVID-19 Deaths in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Critical Piece of the Pandemic Puzzle. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 09; 68(9):1895-1898. PMID: 32501537.

Published on 9/1/2018

Levine SA, Chao SH, Caruso LB, Jackson AH, Russell ML, Young ME, Brett B. Chief Resident Immersion Training in the Care of Older Adults: A Successful National Replication of an Interspecialty Educational Intervention. Acad Med. 2018 09; 93(9):1341-1347. PMID: 29877915.

Published on 2/9/2014

Caruso LB, Thwin SS, Brandeis GH. Following up on clinical recommendations in transitions from hospital to nursing home. J Aging Res. 2014; 2014:873043. PMID: 24678422.

Published on 6/8/2012

Oates DJ, Kornetsky D, Winter MR, Silliman RA, Caruso LB, Sharbaugh ME, Hardt EJ, Parker VA. Minimizing geriatric rehospitalizations: a successful model. Am J Med Qual. 2013 Jan-Feb; 28(1):8-15. PMID: 22684011.

Published on 1/1/2009

Caruso LB, Silliman RA. Chapter 8: Diabetes Mellitus in the Older Adult in Care of the Elderly: Clinical Aspects of Aging. Cambridge Press. Cambridge. 2009.

View full list of 16 publications.