Lionel Lim MBBS, MPH
Assistant Professor, Geriatrics
72 E. Concord Street | (617)

Lionel Lim, MBBS, MPH is a medical educator and geriatrician. Lionel is currently Site Director for Internal Medicine and Geriatrics at the VA Bedford Healthcare System in Bedford, MA. Lionel’s areas of professional interest include postgraduate medical resident and fellow training in geriatrics, postacute care management and palliative care.
Medicine, MBBS, University of Sydney
MPH, University of Minnesota
Madaus SM, Lim LS. Teaching Pain Management in Interprofessional Medical Education: A Review of Three Portal of Geriatric Online Education Modules. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 10; 64(10):2122-2125. PMID: 27590678.
Published on 8/8/2016Nawaz H, Petraro PV, Via C, Ullah S, Lim L, Wild D, Kennedy M, Phillips EM. Lifestyle medicine curriculum for a preventive medicine residency program: implementation and outcomes. Med Educ Online. 2016; 21:29339. PMID: 27507540.
Published on 6/16/2015Lim LS. ACP Journal Club. Review: In patients with dementia who live in care homes, some nondrug interventions reduce agitation. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Jun 16; 162(12):JC3. PMID: 26075780.
Published on 3/18/2014Lim LS, Sperling B. Review: adding a1-blockers to 5a-reductase inhibitors improves lower urinary tract symptoms in men. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Mar 18; 160(6):JC2. PMID: 24638180.
Published on 1/15/2013Lim LS. ACP Journal Club. Review: General health checks in adults do not reduce all-cause, cardiovascular, or cancer mortality. Ann Intern Med. 2013 Jan 15; 158(2):JC2. PMID: 23318336.
Published on 5/29/2012Lim LS, Kandavelou K, Khan N. Palliative care teaching in medical residency: a review of two POGO-e teaching products. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2012 Jun; 60(6):1141-4. PMID: 22642506.
Published on 1/17/2012Lim LS. Adding a panel manager to EMR reminders improved some preventive care processes. Ann Intern Med. 2012 Jan 17; 156(2):JC1-12. PMID: 22250174.
Published on 8/16/2011Lim LS. ACP Journal Club. Review: high-calorie supplements increase weight in persons with dementia and feeding problems; no evidence exists for other outcomes. Ann Intern Med. 2011 Aug 16; 155(4):JC2-5. PMID: 21844538.
Published on 12/21/2010Lim LS. ACP Journal Club. Use of bisphosphonates was not associated with increased risk for esophageal or gastric cancer. Ann Intern Med. 2010 Dec 21; 153(12):JC6-12. PMID: 21173401.
Published on 1/1/2009Lim LS. Men's Health. Kirby RS, Carson CC, White A, Kirby MG (eds.), Osteoporosis in men. Informa Healthcare. New York. 2009; 299-313.