Lauren Sara PhD

Postdoctoral Associate NRSA, Rheumatology

EBRC (X Bldg) | (617) 358-9655



Published on 3/20/2024

Johnson CD, Sara LK, Bradach MM, Zeppetelli DJ, Dæhlin TE, Mullineaux DR, Foulis SA, Hughes JM, Davis IS. Sex- and age-related differences in kinetics and tibial accelerations during military-relevant movement tasks in U.S. Army trainees. Eur J Sport Sci. 2024 Jun; 24(6):740-749. PMID: 38874992.

Published on 2/10/2024

Sara LK, Gaudette LW, Souza Júnior JR, Tenforde AS, Wasserman L, Johnson CD. Cues to land softly and quietly result in acute reductions in ground reaction force loading rates in runners. Gait Posture. 2024 Mar; 109:220-225. PMID: 38364508.

Published on 10/26/2023

Sara LK, Gutsch SB, Bement MH, Hunter SK. Plantar Flexor Weakness and Pain Sensitivity Cannot Be Assumed in Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy. Exerc Sport Mov. 2023; 1(4):1-7. PMID: 38222444.

Published on 6/20/2023

Johnson CD, Sara LK, Bradach MM, Mullineaux DR, Foulis SA, Hughes JM, Davis IS. Relationships between tibial accelerations and ground reaction forces during walking with load carriage. J Biomech. 2023 Jul; 156:111693. PMID: 37406568.

Published on 4/27/2023

Sara LK, Outerleys J, Johnson CD. The Effect of Sensor Placement on Measured Distal Tibial Accelerations During Running. J Appl Biomech. 2023 Jun 01; 39(3):199-203. PMID: 37105547.

Published on 11/1/2022

Gaudette LW, Bradach MM, de Souza Junior JR, Heiderscheit B, Johnson CD, Posilkin J, Rauh MJ, Sara LK, Wasserman L, Hollander K, Tenforde AS. Clinical Application of Gait Retraining in the Injured Runner. J Clin Med. 2022 Nov 01; 11(21). PMID: 36362725.

View full list of 6 publications.