Julien J. Dedier MD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor, Medical Information Systems Unit
Clinical Associate Professor, General Internal Medicine
801 Massachusetts Ave | (617) 414-6931jdedier@bu.edu

General Internal Medicine
Dr. Julien Dedier is co-founder of the Hospital Medicine Unit – a driver of patient care, quality improvement and education at Boston Medical Center. As associate director of the BUSM medicine clerkship Dr. Dedier spearheaded structural changes to standardize student write-ups and to introduce the clerkship’s educational goals/expectations to inpatient teams. In the outpatient domain, Dr. Dedier developed EHR-based systems for referring patients to community gyms and to an interdisciplinary hypertension management team. He and colleagues currently partner with Black churches in Boston to foster church cohesion and healthy behaviors using culturally tailored mobile applications.
Dr. Dedier's expertise and interests include:
1. The influence of ethnic, cultural and environmental factors on risk-related behaviors for cardiovascular disease and cancer among underprivileged urban minority groups.
2. Application of computer-assisted communication technologies to create behavioral interventions tailored to the ethnic, cultural and contextual characteristics of urban minorities of low socioeconomic status.
MD, Northwestern University
MPH, Harvard University
BSc, University of Toronto
Higgins MCSS, Diamond M, Mauro DM, Kapoor BS, Steigner ML, Fidelman N, Aghayev A, Chamarthy MRK, Dedier J, Dillavou ED, Felder M, Lew SQ, Lockhart ME, Siracuse JJ, Dill KE, Hohenwalter EJ. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Dialysis Fistula Malfunction. J Am Coll Radiol. 2023 Nov; 20(11S):S382-S412. PMID: 38040461.
Published on 8/31/2023Quintiliani LM, Dedier J, Amezquita M, Sierra-Ruiz M, Romero D, Murillo J, Mahar S, Goodman M, Kane JB, Cummings D, Woolley TG, Spinola I, Crouter SE. Community Walks: a cluster randomized controlled trial of a multilevel physical activity intervention for low income public housing residents. BMC Public Health. 2023 Aug 31; 23(1):1676. PMID: 37653386.
Published on 5/1/2022Lasser KE, Ilori TO, Dedier JJ. Kidney Disease Mortality in the USA: a Call for Eliminating Inequities. J Gen Intern Med. 2022 May; 37(6):1349-1350. PMID: 35266126.
Published on 6/22/2021Chandler PD, Clark CR, Zhou G, Noel NL, Achilike C, Mendez L, Ramirez AH, Loperena-Cortes R, Mayo K, Cohn E, Ohno-Machado L, Boerwinkle E, Cicek M, Qian J, Schully S, Ratsimbazafy F, Mockrin S, Gebo K, Dedier JJ, Murphy SN, Smoller JW, Karlson EW. Hypertension prevalence in the All of Us Research Program among groups traditionally underrepresented in medical research. Sci Rep. 2021 06 22; 11(1):12849. PMID: 34158555.
Published on 5/1/2021Solomon DH, Weissman JS, Choi H, Atlas SJ, Berardinelli C, Dedier J, Fischer MA, Fitzgerald J, Hinteregger E, Johnsen B, Marini DD, McLean R, Murray F, Neogi T, Oertel LB, Pillinger MH, Riggs KR, Saag K, Suh D, Watkins J, Barry MJ. Designing a Strategy Trial for the Management of Gout: The Use of a Modified Delphi Panel. ACR Open Rheumatol. 2021 May; 3(5):341-348. PMID: 33932149.
Published on 2/1/2012Migneault JP, Dedier JJ, Wright JA, Heeren T, Campbell MK, Morisky DE, Rudd P, Friedman RH. A culturally adapted telecommunication system to improve physical activity, diet quality, and medication adherence among hypertensive African-Americans: a randomized controlled trial. Ann Behav Med. 2012 Feb; 43(1):62-73. PMID: 22246660.
Published on 1/1/2009Braverman J, Dedier J. Predictors of medication adherence for African American patients diagnosed with hypertension. Ethn Dis. 2009; 19(4):396-400. PMID: 20073139.
Published on 9/1/2005Aagaard EM, Julian K, Dedier J, Soloman I, Tillisch J, Pérez-Stable EJ. Factors affecting medical students' selection of an internal medicine residency program. J Natl Med Assoc. 2005 Sep; 97(9):1264-70. PMID: 16296217.
Published on 11/1/2002Dedier J, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE, Willett WC, Speizer FE, Curhan GC. Nonnarcotic analgesic use and the risk of hypertension in US women. Hypertension. 2002 Nov; 40(5):604-8; discussion 601-3. PMID: 12411450.
Published on 9/24/2001Dedier J, Singer DE, Chang Y, Moore M, Atlas SJ. Processes of care, illness severity, and outcomes in the management of community-acquired pneumonia at academic hospitals. Arch Intern Med. 2001 Sep 24; 161(17):2099-104. PMID: 11570938.