Daniel Pietro MD

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cardiovascular Medicine

72 E. Concord Street
Daniel Pietro

Cardiovascular Medicine


Dr. Daniel Pietro is a cardiologist in Canton, Massachusetts. He received his medical degree from University at Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and has been in practice for more than 20 years.


MD, State University of New York at Buffalo

BA, Seton Hall University


Published on 3/1/2013

Clarke JC, Aragam JR, Bhatt DL, Brown JD, Ferrazzani S, Pietro DA, Maron BA. An unusual cause of dyspnea diagnosed late in life: severe pulmonary hypertension resulting from isolated anomalous pulmonary venous connection. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2013 Mar 1; 6(2):349-51. PMID: 23512781.

Published on 10/14/2002

Sharma GV, Woods PA, Lambrew CT, Berg CM, Pietro DA, Rocco TP, Welt FW, Sacchetti P, McIntyre KM. Evaluation of a noninvasive system for determining left ventricular filling pressure. Arch Intern Med. 2002 Oct 14; 162(18):2084-8. PMID: 12374516.

Published on 3/18/2000

Pietro DA, Shyavitz LJ, Smith RA, Auerbach BS. Detecting and reporting medical errors: why the dilemma? BMJ. 2000 Mar 18; 320(7237):794-6. PMID: 10720371.

Published on 5/1/1994

Khuri SF, Farhat T, Zankoul F, Healey NA, Zolkewitz MA, Treanor PR, Birjiniuk V, Pietro D, Murkerjee A. Intraoperative assessment of the stunned versus infarcted myocardium with the simultaneous use of transesophageal echocardiography and the measurement of myocardial pH: two case studies. J Card Surg. 1994 May; 9(3 Suppl):403-9. PMID: 8069027.

Published on 1/1/1994

Khuri SF, Farhart T, Zankoul F, Healey NA, Zolkewitz MA, Treanor PR, Birjiniuk V, Pietro DA, Mukerjee A. Intraoperative Assessment of the Stunned vs. Infarcted Myocardium with the Simultaneous use of Transesophageal Echocardiography and the Measurement of Myocardial pH: Two Case Studies. J. Cardiac Surg. 1994; 403-409.

Published on 1/1/1994

Folland ED, Vogel R, Hartigan P, Bates E, Beauman G, Fortin T, Boucher C, Parisi AF, Veterans Affairs ACME Investigators. Relations Between Coronary Artery Stenosis Assessed by Visual, Caliper and Computer Methods and Exercise Capacity in Patients with Single-vessel Coronary Disease. Circulation. 1994; 89(5):20.

Published on 1/1/1992

Parisi AF, Folland Ed, Hartigan P, et al. A Comparison of Angioplasty with Medical Therapy in the Treatment of Single-Vessel Coronary Artery Disease. N Engl J Med. 1992; 32610-16.

Published on 8/1/1991

McIntyre KM, Tow D, Pietro DA, Gillie E, Sharma GVRK, Woods P, Dondero ME, Brown R, Strauss W, Loscalzo J. Effect of Enalapril on Survival in Patients with Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fractions and Congestive Heart Failure. N. Engl J Med. 1991; 325:293-302.

Published on 9/1/1990

Pietro DA, Davidson L. Evaluation of patients' preference of two potassium chloride supplements: Slow-K and K-Dur. Clin Ther. 1990 Sep-Oct; 12(5):431-5. PMID: 2268865.

Published on 3/15/1989

Pietro DA, Alexander S, Mantell G, Staggers JE, Cook TJ. Effects of simvastatin and probucol in hypercholesterolemia (Simvastatin Multicenter Study Group II). Am J Cardiol. 1989 Mar 15; 63(11):682-6. PMID: 2646895.

View full list of 24 publications.