Amy W. Baughman MD, MPH

Adjunct Instructor, General Internal Medicine

72 E. Concord Street | (617) 414-5013
Amy Baughman

General Internal Medicine


Amy Baughman, MD, MPH is an Instructor of General Internal Medicine in the Department of Medicine at Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine and an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women's Hospital. Along with her teaching roles, Dr. Baughman is Director of Quality Improvement for the Geriatrics and Extended Care Service at Veteran Affairs (VA) Boston. She recieved a medical degree from the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California and a Master of Public Health in Clinical Effectiveness from the Harvard School of Public Health.


Medicine-Internal, MD, University of Southern California

Clinical Evaluation/Research, MPH, Harvard School of Public Health

Biology, BA, University of Rochester


Published on 8/3/2021

Baughman AW, Renton M, Wehbi NK, Sheehan EJ, Gregorio TM, Yurkofsky M, Levine S, Jackson V, Pu CT, Lipsitz LA. Building community and resilience in Massachusetts nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 10; 69(10):2716-2721. PMID: 34310686.

Published on 7/21/2021

Pimentel CB, Clark V, Baughman AW, Berlowitz DR, Davila H, Mills WL, Mohr DC, Sullivan JL, Hartmann CW. Health Care Providers and the Public Reporting of Nursing Home Quality in the United States Department of Veterans Affairs: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study. JMIR Res Protoc. 2021 Jul 21; 10(7):e23516. PMID: 34287218.

Published on 6/11/2021

Baughman AW, Triantafylidis LK, O'Neil N, Norstrom J, Okpara K, Ruopp MD, Linsky A, Schnipper J, Mixon AS, Simon SR. Improving Medication Reconciliation with Comprehensive Evaluation at a Veterans Affairs Skilled Nursing Facility. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2021 10; 47(10):646-653. PMID: 34244044.

Published on 9/8/2020

Baughman AW, Hirschberg RE, Lucas LJ, Suarez ED, Stockmann D, Hutton Johnson S, Hutter MM, Murphy DJ, Marsh RH, Thompson RW, Boland GW, Ives Erickson J, Palamara K. Pandemic Care Through Collaboration: Lessons From a COVID-19 Field Hospital. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2020 11; 21(11):1563-1567. PMID: 33138938.

Published on 8/1/2020

Bell K, Hartmann C, Baughman AW. A pharmacist-led pilot using a performance dashboard to improve psychotropic medication use in a skilled nursing facility. BMJ Open Qual. 2020 08; 9(3). PMID: 32816865.

Published on 9/1/2019

Ruopp MD, Fiore L, Baughman AW, Stern AA, Nathan SN, Vilbrun-Bruno S. Addressing the Shortage of Physician Assistants in Medicine Clerkship Sites. Fed Pract. 2019 Sep; 36(9):415-419. PMID: 31571809.

Published on 9/1/2018

Ruopp MD, Baughman AW, Simon SR. Improved Transitional Care Through an Innovative Hospitalist Model: Expanding Clinician Practice From Acute to Subacute Care. Fed Pract. 2018 Sep; 35(9):28-34. PMID: 30766384.

Published on 5/29/2018

Baughman AW, Cain G, Ruopp MD, Concepcion C, Oliveira C, O'Toole R, Saunders S, Jindal SK, Ferreira M, Simon SR. Improving Access to Care by Admission Process Redesign in a Veterans Affairs Skilled Nursing Facility. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2018 Aug; 44(8):454-462. PMID: 30071965.

Published on 5/1/2016

Bitton A, Baughman AW, Carlini S, Weissman JS, Bates DW. Enhanced primary care and impact on quality of care in Massachusetts. Am J Manag Care. 2016 May 01; 22(5):e169-74. PMID: 27266583.

Published on 1/1/2015

Zhou L, Baughman AW, Lei VJ, Lai KH, Navathe AS, Chang F, Sordo M, Topaz M, Zhong F, Murrali M, Navathe S, Rocha RA. Identifying Patients with Depression Using Free-text Clinical Documents. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2015; 216:629-33. PMID: 26262127.

View full list of 12 publications.