Alexander Schmidt
Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine
72 East Concord Street | (617)
General Internal Medicine
Schmidt A, Ruberg RL. Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy is associated with worse outcomes when compared to patients with non-amyloid related heart failure of similar race and ethnicity: The SCAN-MP Study. JACC. 2023; 83.
Published on 3/2/2021Bernas SN, Baldauf H, Wendler S, Heidenreich F, Lange V, Hofmann JA, Sauter J, Schmidt AH, Schetelig J. CCR5?32 mutations do not determine COVID-19 disease course. Int J Infect Dis. 2021 Apr; 105:653-655. PMID: 33667698.
Published on 1/1/2021Hanscom M, Schmidt A, Cherng N, Kelly J, Marya, N. EUS-guided duodenojejunostomy for the nonsurgical management of duodenal obstruction in a patient with complicated postsurgical anatomy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2021; 94(5):1010-1011.
Published on 10/8/2020McLoughlin RJ, Hazeltine MD, Durgin J, Schmidt A, Hirsh MP, Cleary MA, Aidlen JT. A national analysis of pediatric falls from a building. Injury. 2021 Apr; 52(4):831-836. PMID: 33069396.
Published on 4/20/2020Schäfer L, Sorokowska A, Sauter J, Schmidt AH, Croy I. Body odours as a chemosignal in the mother-child relationship: new insights based on an human leucocyte antigen-genotyped family cohort. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2020 Jun 08; 375(1800):20190266. PMID: 32306871.
Published on 1/1/2019Ma L, You C, Hernandez M, Maleki A, Lasave A, Schmidt A, Stephenson A, Zhao T, Anesi S, Foster S. Management of Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid with Intravenous Immunoglobulin Monotherapy. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation. 2019; 27(4):636-642.
Published on 3/8/2018Ma L, You C, Hernandez M, Maleki A, Lasave A, Schmidt A, Stephenson A, Zhao T, Anesi S, Foster CS. Management of Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid with Intravenous Immunoglobulin Monotherapy. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2019; 27(4):636-642. PMID: 29517945.
Published on 2/17/2017Maleki A, Lamba N, Ma L, Lee S, Schmidt A, Foster CS. Rituximab as a monotherapy or in combination therapy for the treatment of non-paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017; 11:377-385. PMID: 28255228.
Published on 1/31/2017You C, Sahawneh HF, Ma L, Kubaisi B, Schmidt A, Foster CS. A review and update on orphan drugs for the treatment of noninfectious uveitis. Clin Ophthalmol. 2017; 11:257-265. PMID: 28203051.
Published on 1/10/2017Kubaisi B, Syeda S, Schmidt A, Foster CS. Adalimumab for the treatment of non-infectious uveitis: an updated review. Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs. 2017.