Specialization: Molecular mechanisms of RNA processing
Specialization: Mitochondrial gene expression, RNA editing, molecular biology
Specialization: Cancer biology, tumor biomarkers, epigenetic therapies for cancer
Specialization: Microarrays, Sequencing, Core management, Experimental Design
Specialization: Evidence-based protocols and standards in the field of biospecimen science.
Specialization: Orthotropic nude mouse models of non-metastatic and metastatic tongue cancer
Specialization: Women’s health, cancer prevention
Specialization: Lung Cancer
Specialization: Gene regulation, biological mechanism of aging, chromatin architecture, transcriptional/epigenetic regulation
Specialization: Advancing the understanding of neurological diseases through active genetics and genomics research. Identifying the role of alternative splicing in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and exploring its functional implications on neuronal receptors.
Specialization: Epidemiology of breast cancer
Specialization: Mitosis, transcription, chromatin structure
Specialization: Prenatal programming of brain development and aging by essential nutrient availability during gestation
Specialization: Pulmonary disorders and their connections to innate immunity, host-pathogen interactions, and inflammation
Specialization: Molecular mechanisms of hair growth and pathobiology of different forms of hair loss
Specialization: Developmental biology; embryonic pattern formation; systems biology
Specialization: Chronic kidney disease of undetermined etiology, increasing cessation among low-income smokers
Specialization: Computational biology and bioinformatics, identifying early drivers of lung cancer, therapeutic development and pathogenesis of COPD
Specialization: Evolution of development, insects, nematodes, developmental plasticity, behavioral plasticity, comparative genomics and transcriptomics, functional genetics
Specialization: Method innovation, leveraging natural language processing, machine learning/deep learning, and biostatistics, for biomedical and health research
Specialization: Mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation during vertebrate embryogenesis using zebrafish as a model system
Specialization: DNA damage repair, histone modifications, genome stability in human cancer, and human developmental syndromes.
Specialization: Virus-host interaction
Specialization: Determining the structures and functions of biologically important polymers
Specialization: DNA identification and analysis of biological evidence
Specialization: Understand the basic mechanisms of hemopoiesis and to develop novel therapies for blood disorders and malignancies at genetic and molecular levels.
Specialization: Foundational and clinical genetics and genomics, graduate education, medical education, anti-racism, and equity & inclusion
Specialization: Molecular biology and cell biology techniques for the study of pathogenic viruses
Specialization: Ecological genomics, population genetics, molecular ecology, coral ecology, climate change, symbiosis
Specialization: Application, evaluation, and development of statistical methods for genetic, genomic and epidemiologic studies, including methods for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and meta-analysis; methods for survival, correlated, and multivariate data; and modeling and clustering of temporal gene expression data
Specialization: BET bromodomains proteins, breast cancer, metabolic disease
Specialization: Statistical genetics
Specialization: Cellular and molecular mechanisms regulated by Wnt/ß-catenin signaling during embryonic organ morphogenesis, molecular mechanism leading to activation (stabilization and nuclear translocation) of ß-catenin
Specialization: Investigates how the human immune system as a tissue interacts with specific viral pathogens and ultimately regulates different outcome of infection
Specialization: Combines computational data analysis with novel experimental approaches and technologies to understand basic biological concepts in health and disease
Specialization: Fat cell differentiation
Specialization: Age-related macular degeneration, Alzheimer disease, gene mapping, genetic epidemiology, illicit drug dependence
Specialization: Paramyxovirus genome transcription and replication mechanisms
Specialization: Cancer Therapeutics, tumor intravasation, zebrafish, MYC
Specialization: Mitochondrial physiology, mitochondrial genetic epidemiology, and cardiovascular disease
Specialization: Evolution of development, developmental genetics, phylogenetics, evolutionary genomics, invertebrate zoology; coral conservation
Specialization: Skeletal dysplasias in zebrafish
Specialization: Gene regulation; RNA processing; systems biology of co-transcriptional programs; computational genomics; role of gene architecture in cancer development and therapy
Specialization: Mechanisms regulating mammalian telomere maintenance and to understand how defects in this process contribute to premature aging and cancer progression
Specialization: Host-microbe interactions at the molecular, cellular and organismal level; mechanisms of bacterial transmission through stem-cell niche infection
Specialization: Mechanisms controlling the expression of immune genes
Specialization: Femtosecond laser ablation, neuronal damage, neuronal regeneration, C. elegans
Specialization: Computational biology, infectious diseases, mycobacterium
Specialization: High-resolution microscopy, genome-wide RNAi screening, cell biology, and bioinformatics, genome instability in human cancer
Specialization: Heterotrimeric G proteins, cytoplasmic factors that mimic the action of GPCRs
Specialization: Personalized therapy for AATDassociated liver disease via IPS modeling
Specialization: Biomaterials, drug delivery, macromolecular chemistry and engineering, nanodevices, tissue engineering
Specialization: New mechanisms of gene regulation by short RNAs and chromatin-modifying complexes, C. elegans
Specialization: Dendritic cells (DCs) in the initiation and propagation of HIV-1 replication
Specialization: Regulation of mammalian cell growth and cell cycle
Specialization: Prion Diseases, Alzheimer’s Disease
Anthony Hollenberg, MD
Specialization: Thyroid gland development, thyroid hormone signaling and sensitivity
Specialization: Cellular mechanisms that regulate HIV replication and transcription
Specialization: Telomere alterations across a range of cancer types (e.g. prostate, breast, brain, pancreatic, ovarian)
Specialization: complexity of biological systems through computational and systems biology approaches
Specialization: The relationship between neurotrauma and neurodegenerative diseases, with a primary focus on the blood-brain barrier and neuroinflammation
Specialization: Statistical analysis of high-throughput genomic data.
Specialization: Innate immune system, sexually transmitted infections,
Specialization: Cytokines, pneumonia, posttranscription
Specialization: Bioinformatics, computational biology, epidemiology, genetics, neurology, ophthalmology, statistics
Specialization: Insulin action; Adipocyte biology; Membrane traffic
Specialization: Stem cell biology, iPS cells, reprogramming, gene therapy, lung developmental biology
Specialization: Tuberculosis
Specialization: Regulatory mechanisms underlying the interactions between the metabolic pathway of protein N-glycosylation and intercellular adhesion in tissue development and disease
Specialization: Maladaptive neural plasticity in addictive processes and brain disorders
Specialization: Genomics characteristics of neurodegeneration in human tissue using bioinformatics and machine learning approaches
Specialization: Biology of aging and understanding the basic mechanisms that underlie the pathogenesis of age-related diseases
Specialization: Molecular and cellular biology of melanocyte stem cells and melanoma
Specialization: Transposon regulation by small RNAs during aging, RNAi and gene silencing, viral small RNAs and Piwi-interacting RNAs
Specialization: Uncovering the role of the genetic mutations in the extracellular matrix protein ACLP/AEBP1 in Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and connective tissue diseases.
Specialization: Computational approaches to leverage genome-wide datasets (especially genome-wide gene-expression) for clinical and biological insight
Specialization: CLL; Leukemia; Lymphoid malignancies; Sarcoma; Breast cancer; cAMP signaling
Specialization: Computational biology and cancer bioinformatics; serving the BUSM Data Science Core
Specialization: Stress signaling and cell wall biogenesis in fungi
Specialization: Development of statistical and computational approaches for genetics/genomics and bioinformatics studies
Specialization: Chemical basis of pathogen and host interactions, and the chemical nature of the biological clock
Specialization: Computational tools to search the human genome for genetic variants influencing risk of psychiatric and neurological disorders
Specialization: How cytoskeletal dynamics are regulated to drive cell motility in both normal and pathological conditions
Specialization: Chronic kidney disease, kidney and urinary tract development
Specialization: Functional properties of neurons in the mammalian prefrontal cortex (PFC), which play a central role in higher cognitive abilities such as abstract thinking, problem solving and cognitive flexibility.
Specialization: Statistical problems and study design and analysis issues in human genetics, particularly in the mapping of complex genetic diseases
Specialization: Regulation of protein synthesis during acute stress response in cells, in particular how RNA metabolism and ribosome biogenesis are altered in response to stress.
Specialization: Regulation of protein synthesis and the Integrated Stress Response (ISR)
Specialization: Hematology, stem cell biology, mechanisms of cell differentiation
Specialization: Molecular events associated with the progression of premalignant squamous lung lesions for targeted chemoprevention
Specialization: Drosophila developmental biology, cell death, oogenesis
Specialization: Thyroid hormone signaling, ChREBP transcription factor
Specialization: Neuroepigenetics, metabolism, and neural plasticity in the adult brain, with an emphasis on substance use disorders.
Specialization: Immunology in the lung and its influence on acute lower respiratory tract infections
Specialization: Development of machine learning and knowledge discovery methodologies, probabilistic reasoning and Bayesian approaches to modeling biomedical data
Specialization: Molecular mechanisms of AL amyloidosis with the aim of developing new treatments for this disease
Specialization: Stem cells, gene transfer, lentiviruses, hematopoietic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells
Specialization: Molecular biology of Marburg and Ebola viruses and other highly pathogenic viruses, BSL4 work, virus-host interaction
Specialization: Focused on addressing fundamental questions about patterns of biodiversity (e.g. – latitudinal gradients in species richness), and the role that life history evolution plays in driving adaptive diversification at both the larval and adult life-history stage among Neotropical Adelpha butterflies.
Specialization: Developmental hematopoiesis; The generation, culture, and directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; The generation, culture, and directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells; Pluripotent stem cell-based modeling of hematopoiesis: a Platform for Production of Transfusable Human Blood Cells; Pluripotent Stem Cell Modeling of Human Disease: The ‘Clinical Trial in a Test Tube’: Sickle Cell Anemia; Amyloidosis
Specialization: Cardiac development and disease, muscle regeneration, muscular dystrophy, mouse developmental biology, gene regulation
Specialization: Cancer epidemiology, health disparities, breast cancer subtypes
Specialization: Statistical genetics, complex cardiovascular traits, exome and whole genome
Specialization: Transcriptional and non-transcriptional functions of various cofactors with a particular focus on their misregulation during disease states such as cancer, diabetes and other inflammatory disorders
Specialization: Computational method development, noncoding variants in neurological development and disease
Specialization: Cell signaling in particular in receptor tyrosine kinases, protein modification; Mouse and cell culture-based angiogenesis and tumor models
Specialization: Mechanisms that regulate lineage commitment and the subsequent steps of cellular maturation of bone marrow cells into polyploid megakaryocytes
Specialization: Immunobiology of Trauma
Specialization: Immunology; Autoimmunity; Systemic lupus erythematosus; and Nephrology
Specialization: Genomics of Alzheimer’s disease and entorhinal cortex neurons in mouse models, human postmortem tissue, novel in vitro culture protocols, and in silico modeling
Specialization: Molecular biology and genetics, hypertension, learning and memory
Specialization: Dysregulated Plasticity of the Nervous System
Specialization: Virology; Identifying and characterizing host proteins that are cleaved by viral proteases
Specialization: Pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 heterosexual transmission
Specialization: Comprehensive characterization of the ABCD5 positive limbal stem cells using next-generation sequencing approaches.
Specialization: Incorporates techniques from behavioral ecology, morphometrics, and genomics across the Order Primates and in vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus spp.)
Specialization: Role of inflammation on aortic smooth muscle cell function
Specialization: Systems biology, evolution of biochemical networks, genomics, metabolic engineering, microbial ecology
Specialization: Neurodevelopment, cardiovascular development in rare multi-systemic disorders
Specialization: Molecular mechanisms of skin development, with particular emphasis on the regulation and maintenance of adult stem cells in the skin; Dissecting the signal transduction pathways which regulate stem cell quiescence to better understand how alterations in these signaling pathways contribute to melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers; Studies a role of higher-order chromatin organization in the process of pigmentation
Specialization: How common environmental pollutants adversely affect the growth and behavior of several different types of normal and malignant cells
Specialization: Design and analysis of genetic association studies of complex disease
Specialization: Systems biology of the immune and inflammatory systems, gene regulation in immune and inflammatory systems, inflammatory diseases, transcriptional networks, DNA-binding of transcription factors and transcriptional regulatory complexes, computational genomics, cis-regulatory logic in transcription
Specialization: Regulation of IFN-gamma and cytotoxic effector functions by CD8+ T cells
Specialization: Gene expression profiling, lung neoplasms, pulmonary disease, computational biology
Specialization: Study of neurogenerative disease, role of trauma in the abnormal accumulation of tau and proteins involved in RNA processing
Specialization: Evolutionary genetics, ecological genetics and genomics, biodiversity genomics, beetles
Specialization: Ebola, Marburg, and other hemorrhagic fever viruses
Specialization: Fate, heterogeneity, and single-cell analyses of microglia and astrocytes in neurodegeneration, traumatic brain injury, and brain tissue repair; neuroimmunology, neurodevelopment
Specialization: Ocular system of Immune Regulation and Immune suppression (OSIRIS)
Specialization: Human induced pluripotent stem cells for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) genetics and in vitro drug screening
Specialization: Cancer genetics, epigenetics, signaling pathways, SMAD genes
Specialization: protective immunity, systems-level analysis, systems immunology, AI
Specialization: Wound response and repair of epithelium, neurons and extracellular matrix
Specialization: Molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate ECM synthesis in healthy tissues and in pathological conditions such as fibrosis and tumorigenesis
Specialization: Hippo signaling pathway, YAP/TAZ, Cell polarity, cancer biology
Specialization: Co-factors that influence the mucosal transmission of HIV-1; the role of endogenous nucleic acid autoantigens as mediators of systemic lupus erythematosus
Specialization: Electrophysiology, calcium imaging, single-cell sequencing, basal ganglia circuitry and motivated behavior
Specialization: Public health genomics, health communication/e-health, health literacy, and cancer prevention and control
Specialization: Molecular endocrinology and cell signaling; Cancer gene therapy and pharmacology; Liver genes and transcriptional control; Orphan receptors and responses to foreign chemicals
Specialization: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, COPD pathogenesis, gene therapy, pluripotent stem cells
Specialization: Pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease
Specialization: Synthetic and systems biology in immune cells
Specialization: Pair imaging-based and genomic measurements of gene expression with statistical and physically based computational models to explore questions of gene regulatory network function in Drosophila
Specialization: Glycomics, glycosaminoglycan expression, bioinformatics, glycosaminoglycans
Specialization: Signal transduction and epigenetic mechanisms underlying CNS disorders.
Specialization: Reduction of the accumulation of neurotoxic amyloid beta (Abeta). Alzheimer’s disease and aging, neuroprotection, and klotho transcriptional regulation.
Specialization: Stem cell and genomics; serving the BUSM Data Science Core
Specialization: Genetic and epigenetic studies of substance use disorders (SUDs) and related psychiatric disorders and traits
Specialization: Biomedical Genetics; genetic risk factors of complex human diseases and identifying underlying functional mechanisms.
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