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Check out the winners of the GSI Workshop Competition 2020 here!
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The BUSM Genome Science Institute, in collaboration with the BU Single-Cell Sequencing Core, is sponsoring a single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNASeq) workshop this Spring 2020. The goal of this workshop is to provide the BUMC and BU research community a chance to explore developing areas of genomics research and to generate preliminary data for future grant proposals.
Labs interested in competing for an opportunity to expand their research capabilities are encouraged to submit applications by March 13th, 2020. Winners selected by the GSI Review Panel will receive a set of deeply subsidized reagents from the GSI to conduct a pilot Single-Cell RNA Sequencing experiment. Three awards for scRNA-Seq (up to $9000 in reagent value per lab) will be made to the most competitive proposals.
On March 11th, the GSI will host a seminar by Dr. Dan Harkness from 10x Genomics on the theory and workflow of ATAC scRNAseq technologies. The seminar will be held in the K-building, room K103 at 2pm.
Seminar will be followed by an info session discussing the scope of the scRNAseq Pilot grants, such as how review selection process will prioritize newer extensions of the scRNA-seq technique and to groups who have not very recently benefited from GSI grants.
Proposals should be no longer than 2-pages describing how you will use scRNAseq to advance your research. All proposals must be emailed to by March 13th, and winners will be announced as soon as possible. Winners will be required to submit samples for experimentation by the end of the Spring term 2020 and should be able to support a $1,000 buy-in to support bioinformatic analysis. All winners should present their results at the GSI Research Symposium in November 2020.
For further questions, please email the GSI at
Click here to skip to the Q&A session on the applications.
The Genome Science Institute is pleased to announce the availability of up to two one-year seed grants ranging up to $25,000; each to enhance genetics and genomics research at Boston University/Boston Medical Center. These grants are intended to provide the resources needed to generate preliminary data prior to the submission of extramural grants (e.g., R01s or P01s).
PURPOSE AND SCOPE: This RFA is intended to stimulate the expansion of genetics and genomics research by enabling the generation of preliminary data and establishing collaborations so they can be convincingly presented in extramural grant applications. We encourage applicants to seek opportunities to enhance their NIH research proposal applications.
ELIGIBLITY: The RFA is open to all BU faculty on the Medical or Charles River campuses. Joint PIs are allowed. At least one PI must have been a GSI member for the six months prior to the submission deadline. (Exceptions for new faculty will be considered.) The GSI is open to all BU faculty engaged in genetics and/or genomics research. Please contact to apply.
1. A two-page application outlining the specific aims, rationale, background (brief) and methodology (brief) of the project.
2. A one-page summary describing the expertise of the individuals involved, and the plan for future grant submission.
3. NIH Biosketch including other support information for all participants.
4. A detailed budget. Requests can be made only for support staff and/or supplies (i.e., not faculty salaries).
5. Appropriate IRB/Animal Studies Approval.
6. Those applicants who received GSI awards in the past, please summarize the outcomes of the funded research: grants, publications, collaborations, patent applications, etc.
7. Application should be sent to by 5:00 PM on April 10, 2018.
REVIEW PROCESS: Applications will be reviewed for scientific merit and potential importance in the field of genetics and genomics. Applications will be ranked by the GSI Seed Grant Committee and funding level determined by the GSI directors. A summary of the discussion is available by contacting the seed committee chair after the review. Anyone with a Conflict of Interest with a potential reviewer should make appropriate notes in the application.
REPORTING: Individuals who are funded should appropriately acknowledge support of the GSI in publications and grant applications that arise from this project. A 1-2 page progress report outlining the work carried out, as well as a basic breakdown of how funds have been spent is due 24 months from the date of award. Individuals will also be required to give a seminar in the GSI seminar series reporting their findings.
Finally, individuals are required to notify the GSI if any of the work conducted as a result of a GSI seed grant contributes in any way to either a publication or a subsequent award. This allows the GSI to measure the effectiveness of this program.