2020 GSI Research Symposium

GSI Research Symposium

Welcome to the 12th Annual GSI Research Symposium. 
November 12, 2020
12:00-noon – 4:30 pm

To join the symposium, click here to register for the Zoom webinar.

The Annual GSI Research Symposium is an interdisciplinary event emphasizing research in Genetics and Genomics at Boston University, across both the MEDical Campus and the Charles River Campus. Participation is open to all Boston area researchers with interests that emphasize these disciplines.

Current Schedule

12:00p – 12:10
Welcome from Nelson LauGSI Director
and Yuriy Alekseyev, Director BUSM Microarray and Sequencing Resource
& Illumina : “Expanding Sequencing Capabilities  With the Illumina NextSeq2000″

12:10p – 12:20
Opening Remarks -Dr. Karen Antman 
Dean and Provost

12:20p – 2:00 New Faculty @ Boston University
12-min Short Talks On their Genomics Research

Ana Fiszbein, Christopher Heaphy,
Elliot Hagedorn, Florian Douam
Jonathan Huggins, Michael Blower, Ruben Dries

 7-min Lightning Talks Presentations
Rhianna DelBene, Lu Lab
Single cell RNA sequencing reveals novel mechanism of kidney fibrosis in ZEB2 knockout mice

James Fifer, Davies Lab
Demographic Inferences and Loci Under Selection in a Recently Expanded Coral Population

Joseph Kern, Varelas Lab
Hippo pathway-mediated regulation of cell plasticity and invasion in breast cancer

Yolpanhchana Lim, Zhang Lab
Transcriptome Changes in Postmortem Brains of Subjects with Alcohol Use Disorder

Stephen Ross,  Muhlberger Lab
Small Leader-Associated RNAs Inform New Model for Transcription-Replication Transition During Ebola Virus Infection

Hanfei Xu,  Liu Lab
Lifestyle Risk Score: Handling missingness of individual lifestyle components in meta-analysis of gene-by-lifestyle interactions

Krystan Borrelli,  Bryant Lab
Neonatal morphine (P1-14) in CFW mice induces behavioral signs of withdrawal, sex-dependent transcriptomic profiles in brainstem (P15), and altered affective and psychostimulant-induced locomotor phenotypes in adolescence

Marc Vittoria ,  Ganem Lab
Inactivation of the Hippo Tumor Suppressor Pathway Promotes Melanomagenesis

Jacob Beierle,  Bryant Lab
Identification of major QTLs underlying BALB/c substrain differences in oxycodone state- dependent conditioned place preference in a reduced complexity cross.

Aubrey Odom,  Johnson Lab
The TBSignatureProfiler: A Novel R Package for Comparing Tuberculosis Gene Expression Signatures

Guodong Chen,  Sharov Lab
Reactivation of endogenous retroviruses drive immune response in skin

Dmitry Kretov,  Cifuentes Lab
miR-144 is a regulator of chromatin condensation during erythropoiesis

Xuan He,  Fisher Lab
Analysis of craniosynostosis risk factors in zebrafish

Ying Jie,  Flynn Lab
ATR Activators ETAA1 and TopBP1 Mediate Break-Induced Telomere Synthesis in ALT-Positive Cancer Cells

Gian Sepulveda,  Grishok Lab
MYC activation by limited proteolysis

Nachen Yang,  Lau Lab
Transposon landscape changes are buffered by RNAi in aging Drosophila

Please contact gsi@bu.edu with any questions.

Short Talks Presentations for Students/Postdocs/Staff and New BU Genomics/Genetics faculty

A select number of abstract submissions from students, postdoctoral fellows and research staff will be chosen for short talk presentations.  If you would like to be a presenter, and you are not interested in being considered for the Free RNA-seq Competition, please indicate so on the Submission Form by selecting the appropriate response from the drop down menu.

  • In addition to recognition from the GSI, short talk presentations will also be eligible for an honorarium award.
  • Presentations will be 7-10 minutes in length.  Between 10-15 presenters will be chosen in total.
  • The Symposium Coordinators will contact presenters to discuss connecting to the Zoom Webinar platform


No public gatherings = no poster session this year.