2024 Research Symposium Submission Form
Welcome to the Boston University Genome Science Institute’s 16th Annual Research Symposium abstract submission.
Students, Postdoctoral Fellows and Research can submit their abstracts to be considered for a Short talk that can also be an entry for a Grand Sequencing Award.
To submit your abstract, please provide the information requested below. Please be sure to indicate your position (e.g. undergraduate, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or research staff) to help us rate the abstract submissions. Please be aware that each presenter may submit a maximum of one abstract. We look forward to seeing you at the GSI Research Symposium!
ABSTRACT DEADLINE: Friday, October 4th
Please contact gsi@bu.edu should you have any questions or concerns.
*Note: All fields are required. Please limit abstract submissions to one page, 11pt font size, and list affiliations.
It is expected that students/postdocs participating in the competition have performed at least 50% of the work included in the abstract for the Short Talk presentation. A statement of author contribution for each author on the abstract (similar to that required by many journals) is required for submission. The contribution of the first author should be clear in the Abstract submission whether they are interested in having their talk be judged as an entry for the Grand Sequencing Award.
2024 Research Symposium Abstract Entry Form
To submit your abstract for the poster session, please provide the information requested below. Please be sure to indicate your position (e.g. undergraduate, graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, or faculty member), so that we can determine your eligibility for an oral presentation or poster prize. All applicants will be contacted by email on or before October 25th as to whether they should prepare a poster or oral presentation. We look forward to seeing you at the GSI Symposium!