Otolaryngology Interest Group
Mission: The mission of the Otolaryngology Interest Group (OIG) is to expose BUSM students to different aspects of the field of otolaryngology and to serve as a resource for students who have an early interest in otolaryngology. Given students’ limited exposure to the anatomy and physiology of the ear, nose, and throat within the preclinical curriculum, this group also aims to expand on this knowledge by scheduling regular talks and demonstrations from professionals in the field. Furthermore, this interest group seeks to provide a setting for students to ask and discuss any questions about the field, about the residency application process, and any other topic related to the field. Lastly, this interest group supports student initiatives related to fostering medical care within ENT directed towards minority communities, such as the transgender and deaf communities. Beginning in the spring of M1 year, students who are potentially interested in pursuing otolaryngology also have the opportunity to apply for an OIG leadership position and develop even deeper relationships with the ENT department at BMC.
Every year, the OIG organizes an “Intro to ENT” Q&A panel with attendings and residents in the fall, a Q&A panel with successfully-matched fourth year students in the spring, and a campus-wide scrub sale for M1 anatomy lab in collaboration with the Emergency Medicine Interest Group. Other events the OIG has hosted in recent years include a talk on the head & neck anatomy in collaboration with the ENT and radiology departments at BMC, a networking dinner with members from the American Academy of Otolaryngology, and a laryngoscope workshop with an ENT physician and speech-language pathologist from BMC. In addition, the OIG helps promote national otolaryngology-related events with outside institutions, and serves as a point of contact for BUSM students seeking research and shadowing opportunities with the ENT department at BMC.