My Wellbeing Plan


View “My Wellbeing Plan” Brochure

What is My Wellbeing Plan?
A 15-minute confidential, voluntary Wellness Check-In for students to (1) set a goal on one dimension of their wellbeing (2) create an evidence-based action plan and (3) find a resource relating to their goal.

What can I expect?
Students can meet one-on-one with Tiffany Wong, SAO Wellbeing Coordinator, to evaluate their overall wellbeing using a red, yellow, green rating system and subsequently form a goal. They will create an action plan by identifying what they will do, when, where, how, and potential barriers. Finally, all resources relating to their goal will be outlined to them using handouts and QR codes when available. The student will be given the opportunity to book their next 6-month appointment.

Why is it important?
This program allows students to identify and learn how to nurture healthy behaviors early on in medical school around physical, emotional, financial, intellectual, community and values wellbeing. As a result, this can have a lasting impact for building resiliency, improving quality of life, and decreasing burnout throughout medical school and beyond.

What are others saying about it?
I thought it was helpful and was glad that I did it!”

“It was a perfect opportunity for me to essentially go through a holistic reflection of the 6 core aspects of my wellbeing. In the fast-paced nature that comes with being a medical student, it can be hard to take time to reflect on how you are doing, especially anything outside of the intellectual wellbeing bucket. Being able to take some time and reflect, and then game plan ways to focus more on a specific wellbeing goal and be pointed to resources to help was great!”

“This session was helpful for planning the upcoming year and figuring out what resources are available to help me in the areas that I am struggling with. It was nice to be able to see the different areas on wellness on the page and reflect on how the past year has gone.”

Questions? Contact Tiffany

Poster Presentation

A PATH to Wellness: Incorporating Wellness into Advising Curriculum