BU Chobanian & Avedisian SM Resident Educator of the Year Award

Resident Educator of the Year Award recognizes interns/residents at BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine clinical sites, including BMC, SEMC, VA and other Affiliated sites, who delivers exceptional education to Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine medical students during their clerkship year through their clinical teaching, feedback, and mentoring.


  • Interns/residents at any of the BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine clinical sites, including BMC, SEMC, VA and other affiliated sites. during the clerkship year.
  • Past recipients are not eligible.

Criteria for nomination: Though these criteria are not exhaustive, competitive nominees will have demonstrated some of the following:

  • Excellence in teaching based on student nominations
  • Engagement and enthusiasm teaching 3rd year medical students
  • Provides actionable feedback that allows students to grow as clinical students
  • Role model of professionalism

Who can nominate: 3rd year Clerkship Students.

Nomination Process: A formal nomination letter addressing the most outstanding teaching attributes of the faculty based on above criteria should be submitted to BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Awards Committee (camedfao@bu.edu).

The nomination letter should not exceed one page with minimum font 11-point font and must include:

  • Nominee’s name, Department, Name of Residency Program Director, and the year in residency

Previous Awardees

  • 2023 Jia Jeannie Xu, MD
  • 2024 Vanessa Villamarin, MD