Student Evaluation Completion Policy

Student Evaluation Completion Policy

The school considers the completion of course and clerkship evaluation to be part of a student’s professional responsibilities and essential feedback for the ongoing monitoring of the learning environment.  To obtain adequate feedback, all students must complete at least 80% of the evaluations assigned to them in each academic year. This includes all types of evaluations including course, module, clerkship, site, individual faculty, and peer.


All evaluations are sent to students in the MedHub evaluation system.  Students will be oriented to MedHub at multiple points during the four years.

Preclerkship Phase

The Medical Education Office will randomly assign each student into a cohort of approximately 1/3 of the class at the beginning of the year. Each cohort will only be assigned a subset of total evaluations for the course and faculty evaluations in all courses where there are greater than 20 students participating.

Evaluations will be assigned to students at the beginning of a module so students have access to all evaluations and can complete them on time. Individual faculty evaluations are best done directly after a session and saved for submission at the end of the module to incorporate feedback from all sessions that faculty participated in.  Module evaluations should be completed after an LPA before the next module starts.

In order to obtain actionable feedback, evaluations must be submitted via MedHub within 9 calendar days of the completion of the module/course (usually the following Sunday).

Deadlines are posted on Blackboard for all students. Evaluations not completed within the assigned time frame will expire and are no longer available for completion by the student.

All students, regardless of cohort assignments will be required to complete evaluations for:

  • Groups or class is less than 30 students- Peer, faculty, and course evaluations with smaller groups (i.e., Doctoring groups and LEADS tracks)
  • End of Year 1 and End of Year 2 overall experience evaluations
  • Annual Learning Environment Surveys

If there are errors or concerns about MedHub, please submit a MedHub Support ticket via:

Clerkship and Post Clerkship Phase

All clerkship and elective rotation students are required to:

  • Complete all assigned evaluations. These include clerkship, site and faculty evaluations.
  • Submit individual faculty evaluations for any educator who evaluates them.
  • Complete annual surveys including learning environment and other evaluations focused on transitional periods.

For directions on how to request an ad hoc evaluation of an educator, see “Student: How to Initiate Faculty Evaluations” under MedHub Resources or reach out to your Clerkship Coordinator for assistance in getting evaluations assigned.

Completion Expectations

The Medical Education Office monitors compliance rates multiple times a year and formally notifies students of their compliance rate twice a year. Students who have completed less than 80% of their assigned evaluations at the half year will receive a notification email from the Associate Dean of Medical Education. If the compliance rate is less than 80% at mid or end of year, students will be discussed at a Student Early Intervention Committee meeting and may receive a professionalism warning letter if there are multiple concerns regarding lapses in professionalism.

Any student who received a warning letter at the end of year one and continues to have lapses in professionalism may be referred to the Student Evaluation & Promotions Committee.

Approved by the Medical Education Committee (MEC) on May 19, 2017, updated by the MEC on May 10, 2018 and June 13, 2024.

See Also: