Stethoscopes for Students
Donate a stethoscope!
When the members of the entering class are welcomed to the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine community each fall, they each receive a white coat that symbolizes their acceptance to the profession. After a few months they also receive a stethoscope.
With the introduction of the Stethoscope Program, alumni were able to donate a stethoscope for a student for $175. On the day when stethoscopes are handed out, donor cards are inserted at random into each stethoscope kit. When students open up their kit they find a donor card complete with the name and contact information of their alumni donor. The Alumni Association is on hand to supply note cards for students to fill out to send to their alumni donor as a thank you. Some of these note cards are made from student artwork featured in Whorl, a student group creative arts society initiative supported by the Alumni Association. The Stethoscopes for Students program continues to highlight all the important aspects of alumni involvement and support at the Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine.