Jamin Brahmbhatt, MD
Class Year: 2007
Specialty: Urology
Current practice: PUR Clinic / Clermont Florida
Fond memory of BUSM:
The view from the anatomy lab. As we stood in front of our cadavers we could see this bright light come from the outside. As we dissected the light guided us. As we went towards the windows and looked outside we saw the beautiful city of Boston. The light and what we saw on the outside served as constant inspiration that this is just the beginning of our journey. As we progress our potential is infinite thanks to the foundation of knowledge and experiences given to us at BUSM.
Favorite professor or course at BUSM:
It’s been 10 years! It’s hard to remember one professor or course. If I had to pick it would again be anatomy. It was the beginning of a great journey!
Most recent accomplishment:
Finished our 5th annual Drive 4 Men’s Health for which I am the co-founder. My partner and I drive across the country every June to inspire men to improve their health. We use a fancy car to catch their attention and then hit them with messages and guidance on how to make health a priority. This past year we drove 4000 miles from Orlando to NY, Philly, Columbus, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta. Check out our trip and impact on our website driveformenshealth.com. Otherwise I have also been named top 40 under 40, top doctors, TED talk, slated to be President of Florida Urologic Association in 2020. My biggest accomplishment though I feel is being a dad to three beautiful daughters.
Hobbies outside of work:
My hobbies now revolve around what my kids want to do. Otherwise I love working out, traveling, and listening to podcasts. I also have fun doing online, print, and television media. I’ve been blessed to be featured on fox, nbc, cnn, men’s health magazine, and many other publications. The media exposure has given me the opportunity to engage more people on their health and wellness.
Academic appointments:
Assistant Professor at University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Medicine
Recent publications:
Any other thoughts to share:
I am very grateful to BUSM for taking a chance on me. I got into BUSM early through MMEDIC. I was always the kid that no one thought could do it. Even in high school my teachers encouraged me to think about another profession. I never gave up thanks to the encouraging environment that surrounded me as an undergrad and MD student at Boston University. I don’t say this to be cheesy — I really do mean it. Thank you.