April 2024 Faculty Appointments and Promotions

Congratulations to the following Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine faculty on their recent appointment or promotion.

Clinical Professor

Head and shoulders shot of r. HammernessPaul Hammerness, MD, Psychiatry and Pediatrics, specializes in child and adolescent psychiatry, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) across the lifespan and the cardiovascular impact of stimulants for ADHD. Dr. Hammerness has been an investigator in dozens of clinical trials, served as a reviewer for peer reviewed journals including JAACAP, Pediatrics and JAMA, served on the editorial board of the Journal of the Word Federation of ADHD and has been an expert contributor for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Practice Parameter for ADHD. As a longstanding educator, he has provided supervision and teaching of colleagues and trainees in psychiatry, pediatrics and developmental medicine on topics in child psychiatry.

Headshot of Dr. MuratoreChristopher Muratore, MD, Surgery and Pediatrics, focuses on fetal surgery, congenital diaphragmatic hernia and extracorporeal life support (ECMO). He comes to BU/BMC from Stony Brook Children’s Hospital in NY where he served as chief of pediatric surgery and Hasbro Children’s Hospital in RI where he was the program director of the pediatric surgery fellowship. While at Hasbro, he developed a successful interdisciplinary ECMO program for pediatric and adult patients, serving as medical/surgical director. The program is considered among the best in the nation for the management of critically ill individuals who require this lifesaving technology. Additionally, as one of a small number of pediatric surgeons trained and experienced in the highly complex field of fetal surgery, Dr. Muratore played a key role in the establishment and ongoing success of comprehensive interdisciplinary fetal treatment programs at Hasbro and, later, at Stony Brook Children’s Hospital. At BMC he aims to optimize care and provide leadership to assure quality and equity for children’s surgical services.

Associate Professor

Head and shoulders shot of Dr. DubreuilMaureen Dubreuil, MD, MSc, Medicine/Rheumatology, specializes in spondyloarthritis, including the pharmacoepidemiology of spondyloarthritis. Her work has shown protective effects of medications on disease outcomes and comorbidities. She recently led a national project to develop referral recommendations for adults who may have spondyloarthritis. She serves as director of research training for the section of rheumatology and as faculty for the rheumatology fellowship program.

Head shot of Dr. JafarzadehS. Reza Jafarzadeh, DVM, MPVM, PhD, Medicine/Rheumatology, specializes in the development of novel Bayesian methods and the application of causal inference methods in rheumatic diseases, critical care and infectious diseases. He applies innovative statistical methods to solve challenging research questions and has established a national reputation in the development of Bayesian methods in the evaluation of diagnostic tests and prevalence estimation in the absence of a reference standard. He developed a novel Bayesian approach that was more accurate than the CDC’s method to estimate the prevalence of arthritis in the U.S.

Clinical Associate Professor

Headshot of Dr. WhitneyElizabeth Whitney, PhD, MSPT, Anatomy & Neurobiology, is a broadly experienced and innovative educator in the basic and pre-clinical sciences, with her teaching encompassing neuroanatomy, histology and gross anatomy. Her instruction extends across multiple schools, working with dental, graduate and medical students. At the Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM), Dr. Whitney is the course director for the Anatomical Sciences-I course and teaches Anatomical Sciences-II. She also has contributed to the gross anatomy component of the medical school curriculum. Committed to inclusive pedagogy, Dr. Whitney is active in the department’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice committee, assuming a leadership role as co-chair in 2023. She has received numerous teaching awards, including the GSDM Proctor & Gamble Outstanding Basic Sciences Faculty Award seven times, Educator of the Year in the Preclinical Medical Sciences at the medical school in 2017, and GSDM’s highest teaching award, the Spencer N. Frankl Award for Excellence in Teaching, in 2023.