Bob Woodruff Foundation Renews its Commitment to Women Veterans

blue outlined text woven with red ribbon flowing through it. Underneath Women Veterans Network in blueThe Bob Woodruff Foundation has once again made a grant to Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine for the continued expansion of the Women Veterans Network (WoVeN), a national, peer support network led by women veterans, for women veterans. This is the foundation’s third grant, bringing their total support since 2020 to more than $400,000.

In addition to increasing access to WoVeN, this most recent grant will allow for the development of opportunities for ongoing engagement, education and service opportunities as well as provide research on the impact of peer social support on the unique challenges faced by women Veterans.

Peer leaders who are trained by national experts in the WoVeN curriculum conduct weekly groups during this eight-week program. Groups consist of approximately six to eight women Veterans and each last about 90 minutes. Group content is specifically tailored to the unique needs of women Veterans, centering around relevant themes including life transitions, balance, stress relief, connections, healthy living and esteem. The group experience is complemented by the dissemination of evidence-based resources and information vetted by national experts in women Veteran health sciences and offered by our local and national partnering organizations and colleagues.

“WoVeN is designed to be a haven for women veterans regardless of when they separate from military service and to help them form lasting connections with other women veterans both within their individual communities and around the country,” said Tara Galovski, PhD, director of WoVeN and associate professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine. “We are incredibly grateful to the Bob Woodruff Foundation for their continued support and are proud of our partnership to provide ongoing support for the millions of women who have sacrificed so much to serve us.”

This program is made possible in part by NFL-BWF Salute to Service “Healthy Lifestyles and Creating Community” funding.

About the Bob Woodruff Foundation

The Bob Woodruff Foundation was founded in 2006 after reporter Bob Woodruff was wounded by a roadside bomb while covering the war in Iraq. Since then, the Bob Woodruff Foundation has raised awareness about the tough challenges veterans and military families are facing, and invested in solutions to help support them in the next chapter of their lives. To date, the Bob Woodruff Foundation has invested over $146 million to ensure that our nation’s veterans, service members and their families — those who stood for us — have stable and successful futures. Visit the Bob Woodruff Foundation for more information.