Isaque Rezende Named December’s Distinguished Staff of the Month

Headshot of Isaque RezendeThe Dean’s Office is pleased to announce that Isaque Rezende, MSCIS, has been named Distinguished Staff of the Month for December.

Isaque is the Educational Quality Improvement Project Manager for the Medical Education Office. Isaque joined the BUSM community in 2014.

His nominators said, “Isaque played key role for expanding usage of eValue for successful development of a longitudinal portfolio of assessments for second-year medical students and the Doctoring 2 course, requiring at least 50-100 additional hours of work.

“Isaque willingly worked above and beyond because he recognized the value of expanding the Medical Education Office’s use of eValue’s capabilities.”

The nomination states, “Isaque is always positive and has a can-do attitude, high work ethic, dedication and professionalism.”


BUSM Distinguished Staff of the Month logo.