Critical Thinking Workshop

Gerald Nosich
Gerald Nosich

More than 50 BUMC faculty, course and program directors gathered Dec. 21-22 in Hiebert Lounge to take part in the two-day joint faculty development program, “Critical Thinking Strategies for Health Professionals.” Led by Gerald Nosich, PhD, a noted authority on the subject, the workshop was designed to help teaching professionals engage their students in critical thinking within the discipline or subject matter they are studying.

COM Critical_thinking_workshop“If you’ve been teaching a course three or four times and you get into a rut, these workshops help you think more creatively and critically in a variety of ways,” said Lance Laird, M. Div, Th.D, assistant director of the Master of Science Program in Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice in Graduate Medical Sciences. “It’s a great way to review and revaluate how you are teaching and drawing your students into the course.”