BUSM Faculty Member Honored as 2014 Community Clinician of the Year by Suffolk District Medical Society

Dr. Judith Linden cited for her efforts for survivors of sexual assault


Dr. Judy Linden

BU School of Medicine Vice Chair for Education and Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine Judith A. Linden, MD, has been honored as the 2014 Community Clinician of the Year by the Suffolk District Medical Society, one of the district societies of the Massachusetts Medical Society, the statewide professional association of physicians. She received the award at the district society’s annual meeting on April 3.

The Community Clinician of the Year Award was established in 1998 by the Massachusetts Medical Society to recognize a physician from each of the Society’s 20 districts who has made significant contributions to his or her patients and the community and who stands out as a leading advocate and caregiver. The Suffolk District comprises nearly 4,000 physicians who live and work in Boston and adjacent communities.

Board certified in emergency medicine and a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians, Dr. Linden also is an attending physician in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Boston Medical Center. She received her BA from Brandeis University, MD from the George Washington University School of Medicine in Washington, DC, and completed her residency at the Georgetown/George Washington University Emergency Medicine Residency Program.

In nominating her for the honor, her colleagues noted that “She has been a mentor for many medical students and residents over her career, and has focused her research and professional activities on improving the care for survivors of sexual assault. She has provided care as a certified Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), and has gone above and beyond one’s expectations taking call on her own time responding to emergency departments to provide compassionate care to sexual assault survivors.”

A widely published author and frequent presenter on the topic of sexual assault, Dr. Linden is the only non-RN certified SANE in Massachusetts and is a member of the Advisory Board of SANE, representing the Massachusetts College of Emergency Physicians. Among several honors, her most recent awards include a Champion for Change Award from the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center and the Emergency Medicine Chair’s Award from Boston University School of Medicine.