May 2018: Richard Wainford, PhD
R01HL141406 “Central mechanisms and novel biomarkers of the salt-sensitivity of blood pressure” PI: Richard Wainford, PhD funded 2018 – 2022
May 2018: Richard Wainford, PhD
R01HL139867 “Neural control of the kidney and long-term blood pressure regulation” PI: Richard Wainford, PhD funded 2018 – 2022
May 2018: Katya Ravid DSc, PhD and Philip C Trackman, PhD
R21 AR072748-01 “Mechanism Of Bone Marrow Neoplasm-Induced Osteosclerosis”Co-PI: Katya Ravid, DSc, PhD and Philip C Trackman, PhD, funded 2018-2020 […]
May 2018: Noyan Gokce, MD
1R01HL140836 “: Identifying a novel regulatory pathway of vascular function in obesity” PI: Noyan Gokce, MD, funded 2018-2022